Ch. 26 They're Talking

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Previously, Kagome was furious at Inuyasha for calling her weak and was about to come down upon him with everything she had, but Inuyasha said something that stopped her in her tracks. He said, "I am sorry."


Inuyasha kept his eyes closed and his head down, not feeling confident enough to look Kagome in the eyes while he confessed his feelings. 

"I am sorry," he repeated louder this time, to make sure she heard him.

That is a good starter, right? Instead of going off on her like he usually does, he was being honest and expressing his remorse. 

But why are you sorry, his conscience urged him to add. 

Inuyasha felt pathetic. Why is it so hard for him to apologize? Why is it so difficult for him to admit his mistakes? What has he been doing this whole? Was he seriously about to run his mouth off again because he did not know how to properly express his emotions? Yes. Yes, he was. If it was not for what happened with Kikyo knocking some sense into him last night and Kagome bringing up Kikyo he would have completely forgotten about how he truly did want to have a heart to heart talk with Kagome.

He came here to find her to make sure she was safe and sound, and then talk to her, not explode on her and then argue with her. 

Why did he always let his worry spur his temper and his temper to get the best of him? He knew better than this. His mother taught him better than this. At times like this, where he sees the error in his ways, he could not help but think of her. Would she be proud of seeing what he has done? Always letting his temper run wild not thinking of the consequences of his hurtful actions. Hurting two women because he could not make up his mind━his heart, on who he loved more. 

Stupid, he kept repeating in his head. 

Why is he like this? Why can he not do anything right when it came to love? Inuyasha sighed and pulled his hands into fists, trying to contain his frustration towards his own stupidity. 

No, his mother would not be proud of him. But knowing her, even with all the bad he has done, she would still love him. She would still gently hold him and asked him why he did all the things he did because she was one of the few people who would always understand he never did things for no reason. 

You would think, being over 100-years-old, you would know how to handle your emotions by now, but no, he was as emotionally tactless as a 10-year-old. He never knew the right words to use when talking about his worries, fears, or any of that. And he did not like to either. He always felt vulnerable and weak when he did. 

But you need to do it, you need to be honest with Kagome, his conscience tried to reason with him. 

As Inuyasha kept racking his brain on what to exactly say to Kagome. Kagome was trying to process what he just said. 

Now that took her off guard, Inusyahsa apologizing for once and it actually sounded sincere. She did not even have to sit him twenty times to get him to say it. He said it all on his own. 

Kagome could feel it. All the anger and rage she felt towards him a few moments ago, melted away right when he said those three words and now that her eyes were no longer clouded by anger and rage what she saw pained her so. 

Was she seriously that angry at him for calling her weak she did not see what was happening in front of her? Inuyasha had his head down, his ears were hanging low, and his hands were balled into fists. 

Kagome sighed, she should have known better. Why does it always turn out like this? She knew he did not mean it, but she let his words get to her anyways. She out of everyone should know Inusyahsa is the epitome of sensitive. One wrong word could set him on an angry rampage or a depressed rampage. A rampage was always promised, it was whether he would hurt the people around him or himself, was the true question. 

Kagome lightly smiled, Knowing him, either way, he'd be hurting himself, either he hurt himself, or he hurt others and then he'll feel bad about it later. Really, I'm the one here who is supposed to be heartbroken, why do you look more heartbroken than me? 

Kagome mentally sighed before adding, You lovable jerk. 

Kagome closed her eyes, taking a moment to reflect on why she had become so angry at Inuyasha. Was it truly only because he had called her weak? No. That was only the trigger. Like, it was the last straw that broke the camel's back. It was not only because he called her weak. It was because he loved Kikyo more than her. 

Kagome knew Inuyasha did care for her, but after last night, she also knows where his heart exactly lays. She could not get the image out of her head, him confessing his love for Kikyo, kissing her, treating her with the most respect and care that he has never treated her with. 

Whether he knew it or not, he does love Kikyo more and Kikyo loves him back. Kagome could not bear to be the reason they do not achieve the happiness they so rightfully deserved. 

Opening her eyes, Kagome felt calmer. Her eyes zeroed on Inuyasha's figure. Slowly she closed the distance between them and stopped only a few inches away from Inuyasha. She thought he would have noticed her by then, but he did not. She assumed he was too busy with his thoughts. Thinking that it was the best way to get his attention she reached out her right hand to touch Inuyasha's left hand. 

Immediately, Inusyahsa's body jolted, not expecting Kagome's touch. Inuyasha, registering that it was Kagome's hand holding his left fist, decoding is he was going to continue this conversation he needed to be brave. He needed to look her in the eye. He needed to be honest.

When Inuyasha meet eyes with Kagome, he did not know what he was expecting, but it definitely was not what he was seeing. Kagome had such a loving smile on her face and her eyes were not full of rage anymore. She looked so calm, so peaceful. 

Before he could stop himself, Inusyahsa he jokily remarked, "I should apologize more often."

And to his relief, Kagome joked back, "Yeah, you should. Took you long enough to realize that, you jerk."  

Inuyasha smiled at Kagome's snarky comment. 

As Kagome continued looking into Inuyasha's amber eyes and her hand still held his, she knew was making the right decision. 

I need to let go, so they can be happy, she mentally told herself. 

Taking a deep breath, Kagome readied herself for everything Inusyahsa could throw at her, but she did not quite know where to start. After a couple of seconds of debating in her head what to say first, she settled on starting with what she witnessed last night. 

"Inuyasha," she called, making sure she had his fullest attention. 

Inuyasha answered, "What?" 

Slowly, Kagome continued, "I saw you. I saw you with Kikyo last night. I heard everything." 


Author's Note: I changed chapter 25's title to "They're Arguing" because I thought chapter 26 was more fitted to be titled "They're Talking." I hope you guys and gals enjoyed reading this chapter! Please, give me feedback on my work! Good! Bad! Or even grammar corrections! I'd really appreciate it! See you next week.

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