Ch. 25 They're Arguing

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Previously, Inuyasha has found Kagome and was running towards her in full speed. 


Inuyasha kept running and when Kagome was finally in front of him, Inuyasha stopped in his tracks before he ran her over by accident. Without much as a warning soon after stopping right in front of Kagome, he pulled her into his arms. With her being within his embrace, everything felt right with the world again for Inuyasha. Inuyasha silently thanked the Gods Kagome was unharmed and for the 11th time, today, blamed himself for not keeping an eye on her properly. If he would have not gone out last night to meet with Kikyo then Kagome would have no need to leave Kaede's hut to look for him, then she would not have stayed out the whole night. Not knowing where to direct his guilt and anger, he directed it at her. 

Immediately, he pulled back his head and locked eyes with Kagome. 

Seeing the look Inuyasha had on, Kagome knew he was about to explode and she was right, he did. 

"Why did you stay out all night?! Where were you?! Do you have any idea how worried Shippo, Kikyo, and Miroku were when I showed this morning and you weren't with me, off doing whatever you're doing?! Kagome you can't just wander off like that in the middle of the night! What if you ran into bandits? A demon?! Or worse, Naraku?!" 

Thinking that Inuyasha was done with his frustrations, Kagome about to try her best to explain herself to Inuyasha. However, Inuyasha did not give her a chance to say anything, he kept going. 

Inuyasha yelled, "You're just a weak human!" 

After progressing what Inuyasha said, Kagome's right eyebrow could not help but twitch out of annoyance. She knew whenever Inusyaha was angry, he rarely ever meant the hurtful things he said, but something within her simply snapped when his last comment left his lips.

Kagome took a deep breath.

She was planning on never mentioning what she witnessed last night to anyone. She was planning on telling Inuyasha while looking for him she accidentally fell asleep under a tree. She was planning to not confronting him. However, change of plans, unfortunately for Inuyasha, after having her heart broken last night, and temper provoked a second ago, Kagome no longer wanted to stay levelheaded. He will not be leaving with only a couple bruises from being sat six feet under like usual. He will be leaving with as much as a broken heart as she will be. 

Kagome looked away from Inuyasha as she swiftly pulled herself out of Inuyasha's arms. Inuyasha sensing something was amiss, was about to ask Kagome if something was wrong. But when Kagome's fierce sapphire eyes, once again, meant his amber orbs, he knew he was in for a whole lot of pain, either by a whole lot of sitting or verbal attacks. And if he was not lucky, both. 

With a terribly tight and sarcastic smile on her face, Kagome rhetorically asked, "Me? A weak human?" Before she continued to unleash her fiery with the most dangerous look in her eyes Insuaysha had ever seen, "Would a weak human be able to travel across feudal Japan killing demons and purify the sacred jewel?! Would a weak human be able to put up with your tantrums time and time again, and still love you with all her heart?!" 

Now, still with a smile on her face and a crazy gleam in her eye she added, "Would a weak human be able to put aside her own feelings in favor of supporting your and Kikyo's happiness?!" 

Inuyasha was speechless. He did not know what to say to say back to her. He did not even know what to think. Hearing Kagome bringing up Kikyo surprised and confused him all at once. He had already intended to talk to her about him, her and Kikyo when coming back this morning, but when he arrived at Kadede's hut she was not there. Fearing for her well being and safety he left the hut in search for her. He had completely forgotten about the talk he had previously wanted to have with her. 

Now with her in front of him and she has reminded of him of the true matter at hand, Inuyasha does not know how to proceed to talk to her about this. And the dry smile on her face, with that menacing look in her eyes, unnerved him greatly. 

Similarly, to how he found himself lost for words last night because of Kikyo's confession, he was finding himself not being able to think of anything to say back to Kagome, but not for the same reason. 

At moments like this Inuyasha is reminded of how these two women are so alike yet so different and how much he truly loved both but in different ways. 

Kagome had blue eyes while Kikyo had brown eyes, but that was never the true difference between their eyes. At moments like this, when Kagome rage and wrath was directed at him, Inuyasha knew better than anyone else; the true distinction is the arura they are able to give off.  It may have been Kagome was more forgiving then Kikyo or has yet to have died, gone to underworld and come back, but her eyes were not as threatening nor vicious as Kikyo's when she was angry. They were more docile. 

Inuyasha mentally sighed, this was not the time to be comparing Kikyo and Kagome. Kagome was standing in front of him with a simile that promised pain and eyes daring him to say anything back. They needed to talk this out and if talking this out, and they can not talk this out if she full of rage. He needs to calm her down before talking about him, her and Kikyo. This was not the time to argue with her. This was not the time to make this worse by getting angry at her. This was the time, to be honest, and he honestly felt guilty towards her for not only hurting her for all this time because he would never make up his mind between her or Kikyo, sneaking out last night to meet Kikyo but also calling her a weak human. 

He out of everyone should know, first hand, Kagome is not weak. Was she stubborn? Yes. Clumsy at times? Yes. But weak? Never. Not only for all the reasons she listed out a couple of moments before, but she always tries. Even when the odds are against her, she always fights for what she believes in. Even when the situation seems hopeless, Kagome is always able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Even when he has hurt her again and again, she has never given up on him. 

As Inuyasha continued staring Kagome, his eyes softened. He tilled his head down and closed his eyes, feeling that if he did not, he would not be able to say what he was about to say. 

Kagome did notice Inuyasha's change in demeanor but was too angry, to care. Right before she could continue her rant, he said something that shut her right up. 

"I'm sorry," Inusyaha uttered. 


Author's Note: I hope you guys and gals enjoyed reading this chapter! Please, give me feedback on my work! Good! Bad! Or even grammar corrections! I'd really appreciate it! See you next week.

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