Ch. 20 Their Promise

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Previously, Kagome began crying once again because of the memories of her deceased father while the boy tried his best to cheer her up.


Kagome looked into the boy's mix-matched eyes to find any doubt or deception within him, but she found none.

With misty-eyes and running nose, she questioned, "Really?"

"Yes, really," he promised her with a smile.

Feeling a need to reassure herself she insisted, "No matter, where or when you'll stay with me?"

The boy's smile widened as he looked at Kagome in his arms, "Little Chatterbox, even when you want me to leave you alone I won't."

Hearing the boy's words of promise Kagome's heart could not help but be filled with joy.

"I finally have a friend," she beamed with a bright grin on her face. Then proceeded to plunge into the boy's embrace.

Not planning to resist Kagome advance on him, the boy ended up falling on his back with Kagome being on top of him with a look of pure delight on her face. Seeing Kagome so happy to be in his arms warmed the boy's heart in ways it has not in centuries.

I wish we could stay like this forever... I wish I wouldn't be the reason you have to suffer so much in the future. I wish you never know the truth... but like all inevitable things in life, they're inevitable for a reason.

Suddenly, Kagome jerked her head up and stared down the boy with a serious expression on her face, but before he could ask her if something was wrong, Kagome already rose her right hand up and extended only her pinky finger to his face.

"Pinky promise. You have to pinky promise you won't ever leave me," Kagome explained with an overly smug look on her face as if she had outsmarted him.

With amusement showing on his face, the boy extended his pinky finger to meet Kagome's pinky.

Wanting to go along with her, the boy even added, "Fine, but no take-backsies."

Kagome with stubbornness sparkling in her eyes recited one of the things her father always told her, "A Higurashi never takes back their word."

Seeing there was no way of changing her mind and not truly having any desire to change her mind, the boy sealed their promise of him forever staying by her side by intertwining Kagome's pinky finger with his.

"There, now, I am never going leave your side," the boy confirmed for Kagome's sake while Kagome nodded in approval before flopping back down on his chest.

As moments passed by, the boy could tell from Kagome's breathing evening out, she was growing sleepier by the second.

All that crying must have tired her out, he mused to himself.

Intending to keep her awake, the boy raised his left hand and started patting her back, "Come on, you cannot fall asleep on top on a boy you do not even know and certainly not on the middle of a street."

Kagome yawned, "But you're so comfy and warm."

The boy sighed, "But you do not even know me. And again we are in the middle of a streー" but before he could finish his statement, he heard a soft snore coming from the girl on top of him.

Closing his eyes, while tilting his head toward the sky, he released another sigh of reluctance.

How can anyone be so defenseless with some they only meant a couple of moments ago?

Tilting his head down the boy looked at Kagome's sleeping face, You, only you would. What am I going to do with you?

Not wanting to wake Kagome up now that she is peacefully asleep, he slowly got up all while holding her body close to his. Carefully the boy maneuvered Kagame body so she laid comfortably in his arms with his right arm under her legs and the other supporting her back. Then, he began slowly standing up while still bridal carrying her to make sure he would not awaken her.

"You really are lucky I was the one who found you and not one of those girls, well, not like they would be able to bring you real harm with me watching over you." As the boy continued talking to the unconscious Kagome he began walking towards the Higurashi shrine, "I should have intervened sooner... before those pecks had the chance to hurt you with their words... but I could not... If I did, I would have changed the future, well, past too."

When the boy finally arrived at the many steps leading to the Higurashi shrine instead of doing what his past self would do, he humbly stepped to the side of the steps and began walking up the steps leaving the center of the steps for God's use.

Would the old me even imagine there would be a day I would show some respect to the Gods?

The boy chuckled at the thought.

However, when he shifted his gaze away from his surroundings and once again onto Kagome, his humor quickly left him.

"I am sorry... I hold great remorse for all pain and suffering I will cause you in the future. But please, when you learn of the truth, understand... Understand, I love you. Without you, I would have never been able to change... Without you, life holds no meaning."

Not being able to hold back his anxiety and worry driven tears back the boy started silently crying.

"Without you, I will be better off dead," he was able to plea to the asleep Kagome.

And as if, on cue, Kagome stirred in her sleep, thinking it was his crying's fault the boy went completely still, his despair quickly forgotten in fear of waking her up.

However, to his disbelief after snuggling deeper into his chest, Kagome only muttered, "You better never leave me," before going back to soundly sleeping.

Even when I least aspect it, you manage to surprise me, the boy mentally admitted as a smile started playing on his lips.


Author's Note: I actually wasn't planning to make this chapter so long, but I was like "What the heck, my readers deserve way more than what I give so let's just see where the story goes and roll with it." So yeah, hope all of you enjoyed this chapter. Please! Please, give me feedback on my work! Was it good?! Or bad?! Any grammar corrections?! I'd really appreciate it!

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