Ch. 9 Onigumo Resurfaced

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Previously, even though it is cold and still raining all around them Kagome and Naraku didn't mind. Naraku was honestly laughing for what seemed like the first time in forever while Kagome was unconsciously finding comfort through Naraku's laugh.


Naraku took a breath in and breathed it out slowly.

When was the last time I laughed like this? Too long, it has been truly too long... Naraku found himself thinking.

Finishing his fit of laughter and mirth Naraku realized Kagome had stopped her ranting and is now starting at him quite intensely. In which, he found himself staring right back at her, but unlike Kagome, he was able to voice his thoughts.

"It has truly been a long time since I last laughed like that, I cannot even recall when it was..." a small sad smile graced Naraku's lip as he continued, "I always thought the next time I laughed of pure bliss would be because of the suffering of others or obtaining the Sacred Jewel for myself, but never did it cross my mind I would find myself truly laughing because a human girl who is supposed to be my enemy started to understand me..."

As Naraku continued to look at Kagome he noticed how she is not trembling in fear as much as earlier, there was not as much hate in her eyes towards him and the fear in her scent had also lessened slightly once again.

"Impossible," Kagome said without realizing it.

Did he just say what I think he said? Like, me? Understand him? Him? No way.

As Kagome continued thinking about what Naraku said she kept staring at him which lead to Naraku wearing a slight smirk on his face.

Being in a good mood, Naraku teased, "Did your mother never teach you it is impolite to stare at people so openly?"

Kagome embarrassed she had been caught blatantly staring looked down and temporarily forgot who was talking to.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stare. I just got so distracted by your laugh."

Naraku was amused, "You never heard anyone laugh before?"

Kagome feeling somewhat flustered did not quite know what to say, but tried her best to answer the half-demon standing in front of her.

"Well, of course, I have. I just never heard you laugh like that. You have no idea how different that laugh was compared to your usual laugh. Your usual laugh makes me sick in the stomach and wants to purify you to ashes... But this laugh makes me..."

Naraku raised his right brow in curiosity at what Kagome had to say, and unable to hold his teasing back any longer he started stepping closer to her. Kagome was to busy with her thoughts to notice Naraku approaching her until he was mere inches away from her. When she did realize how close he was she quickly tried to move back, away from him but she had nowhere to go, he had backed her up to the tree they have been using to hide from the rain. Kagome was about to start struggling but before she could Naraku lowered his head down and whispered in her ear with a voice laced with dangerous huskiness, "What does my honest laugh make you feel wench?"

Too astonished by Naraku's action to even think, Kagome said the most intelligent thing that popped into her head, "Huh?"

Naraku was truly enjoying his time playing with the young human girl.

She is proving to be too entraining for her own good, he thought to himself.

Naraku moved away from his previous position near Kagome's ear and stared right into her honest blue eyes straight on while still having a little smirk on his face.

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