Chapter 38

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A thin film of sweat started to form as Kagome continued tossing and turning under her blanket. Her brows frowned and pained filled sleep-drunken whispers escaped her lips. 


Before Kagome could pull Yuki back into her embrace, he pushed her towards her mother. Her mother bent down and held her back, knowing if she did not, Kagome would chase after Yuki. 

Yuki quickly turned and took his first step away from Kagome. 

"Mama let go!" Kagome begged to no avail. 

Yuki steadied himself. Then, began walking away from Kagome and towards the airport. 

Kagome continued crying as her mother held her. She felt betrayed. Never in her life has she ever felt this multitude of hurt and rage at once. 

Kagome yelled after the cause of her despair, "Yuki! Don't you want to be with me anymore?! You liar! You promised you'd never leave me! You liar!"

Kagome blicked back her tears and screamed, "I'll never forgive you!" 


"Yuki!" Kagome screamed as she bolted out of bed. 

Her breathing was heavy. Her body was covered in sweat. This was nothing like any of the other dreams she has had. Nothing like the other memories she has recovered. Before she had questioned the credibility of whether these dreams were actually her memories, but now she was certain, these are her memories. Her forgotten childhood past is coming back to her little by little through these dreams. 

But why? Why now? Why now, were her memories coming back? Why did she only forget about Yuki? How did she forget in the first place? Was Yuki leaving her so traumatic for her that she subconsciously suppressed her memories of him? For all this time? But if they were so traumatic, why are they coming back now? 

Kagome brought her hand to pinch the bridge of her nose. First, completing the Sacred Jewel, defeating Naraku, facing Inuyasha, and now figuring out her memory loss? This was too much. 

Feeling something wet hit her hands, Kagome was drawn out mental stressing. She looked up to the ceiling expecting to see a water leak of some sort, but she saw nothing wrong with the ceiling. Confused, she continued squinting her eyes, patient, that if she continued looking up something might prove to be a miss with the ceiling. As seconds passed, nothing happened. However, now she felt something wet drip down her neck. Instinctively, she touched her neck, and her fingers traced the liquid back to her eyes. 

Alarmed by her own tears, Kagome was once again thrown into a mental frenzy. 

She began questioning herself, Why?! Why am I crying?! Why am I crying again?

Kagome tried her best to wipe her tears away, and calm herself down. She thought eventually her crying would end after calming down. But she was wrong. Even after putting an end to the mental battle within her mind, tears kept falling down her cheeks. 

Wait, again? Kagome thought. 

Without warning, a painful wave of despair started washing over her heart. Kagome tried her best to ease the pain, but nothing worked. The suffocating sadness she felt only grew as seconds went by. Her mind tried it's best to reason with her heart, but her heart did not listen. Her heart could not listen. 

The dam had falling broke, and there was no way to stop the flood. 

Why does this feel like it's happened before? Why do I feel like... someone should be here with me?  Kagome questioned as she felt a throbbing in her head. 

"Someone, help me... Inuyasha, save me," Kagome pleaded before losing consciousness. 

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