Ch. 32 His Name

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Previously, Kagome was being tickled senseless.


"Kagome! Bath time, " Kagome's mother called out as she brought the bathwater to the ideal temperature for her daughter's bathing pleasure. 

Hearing that it was time for her to take her bath, Kagome got the living room couch and speed walked to the bathroom, while she dragged someone to go with her. When she arrived, she announced her presence, "Ready Mama."

Mrs. Higurashi turned around and when she saw Kagome happily standing with a distressed boy in tow, she was not surprised. True to her prediction, Kagome would drag the poor boy to bathe with her because she was very attached to him. A part of her did find this very an endearing. However, seeing the slightly troubled expression on the boy's face prompted her to talk her daughter into not bathing with him.

"Kagome, you can't bathe with him, " her mother said as firmly as she could.

Kagome whined, "Why Mama?"

Trying her best, not, to smile at her daughter's cute antics, Mrs. Higurashi explained, "You can't bathe with him because he's a boy."

"I bathe with Souta all the time. Plus, we used to bathe together before all the time too," Kagome defended.

Mentally admitting to herself, her daughter did have a point, Mrs.Higurashi sighed.

"Well, Souta is your little brother and you're too old now to bathe with him," Kagome's mother patiently explained.

Before Kagome could open her mouth to say anything, the boy intervened, "I won't leave."

Kagome confused by his words simply stared at the boy.

"I promise I won't try to leave you while you bathe like last time. I won't do that ever again, " the boy continued with a sad smile.

Kagome, not knowing what to do, looked up at her mother. Mrs. Higurashi chuckled at the dynamic of the two children standing in front of her. She then silently hoped, they would forever stay friends, if not eventually more than friends. Feeling that she's thinking way into the future, Mrs. Higurashi drew her mind back to the present and at the present, Kagome was still looking at her.

The only thing she could think to say to Kagome was, "Do you trust him?"

Kagome's grip on the boy's hand tightened at that moment, but it ultimately loosened after she made up her senses.

"I do, " she finally mumbled, as she let the boy go.

Her mother smiled as she hugged her, "That's my favorite baby girl."

Kagome giggled, "I'm your only baby girl, Mama."

"My one and only, " Mrs. Higurashi added.

Realizing it was the best time to go back to the living room and wait for Kagome, the boy turned around and over his shoulder joked, "Don't make me wait too long or I'll finish the episode without," as he closed the door behind himself.

"I won't, " Kagome quickly answered, so her best friend would hear her before he leaves. 

Kagome's mother grinned, "You really love him, don't you?"

"Yeah! I love..." Kagome stopped midway through her sentence

Feeling confused she questioned, Why can't I remember his name?


Author's Note: Sorry for the late Monday update. I hope you liked the chapter. Please, give me feedback on my work! Good! Bad! Or even grammar corrections! I'd really appreciate it! See you next week.

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