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Monday 9:32 am

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Monday 9:32 am.
Nuriana Phillips

"Nuri, Thank you so much for coming," Gisselle a well known talk show host.

"Thanks for having me," I smiled.

"Ugh, girl you have been through so much how does your skin still glow the way it does," she said as I smiled.

"I believe everything happens for a reason and I'm in a good place right now. I'm healthy, my skins clear, my hairs healthy and growing," I said as the crowd clapped and cheered.

"Nuri you know I have to ask... it's been a year since your husband passed... how did that moment feel for you when you got that call?" She asked.

"Ugh... it was kind of like time stopped ya know... the last time I had seen him we had gotten into a nasty fight and was talking about divorce and boom, he was gone just like that," I replied.

"Do you wish you could've done anything differently?" She asked.

"Of course," I replied.

"And what's that?"

"I would've gotten a divorce way earlier."

"Really? Why is that?" She asked clearly not expecting me to respond like that.

"I was at the point in my marriage where I felt like I hated him, at least I told myself I did... but if I had already made peace, had already divorced, then I would have been more at peace with his death," I replied.

1 week later...

I laid in bed while Chris showered. I was working on finding a new place for just me when he walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. He put on some boxers before getting in the bed.

"What's that?" He asked pointing to the laptop.

"Apartment finder website... I'm selling the house," I replied.

"So you're finding an apartment?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows causing me to look at him.

"What? Do you have a problem with that?"

"Not necessarily a problem... Think of it like this, you're already here. You barely spend any nights at your own house, this is practically home," he said as I stared at him.

I turned my attention back to the laptop before he snatched it.


"So you're not gonna say anything?" He said.

"You didn't ask a question," I said trying to grab my MacBook.

He set it on the ground beside him before I looked at him as I was on top of him.

"Is it one of those situations where I have to give the formal question?" He asked.

"I mean if there's something you want to know then it's best to ask."

"Will you move in with me?" He asked.

"No," I replied before grabbing my laptop off the ground.

"Are you serious?" He asked.

"I mean I'm not joking," I said as he looked at me before sitting up.


"I'm not going to play house with you, Chris."

"I'm not askin you to play house I'm askin you to move in with me-"

"And that's playing house!" I said.

"No it's not-"

"Yes it is! Everything has an order, Chris-"

"Well I think we're a bit out of fuckin order," he said.

"Why are you getting upset-"

"Why am I gettin upset?! My girlfriend just told me she doesn't want to move in with me-"

"As she should! I'm your girlfriend, not your wife so I shouldn't have to move in with you," I said before he threw the covers off of him and left the room. "So fucking dramatic."

"I heard that!"

"And I didn't whisper!"

After a while I had gotten tired and put my laptop to the side. I got out of bed to go check on Chris. I walked into his man cave seeing that he was watching old footage from last season.

"You alright?" I asked still standing at the door.

He turned around to look at me before nodding.

"Why you standin there lookin scared? C'mere," he said before I did as told.

He pulled me onto his lap.

"Are you still mad at me?" I asked.

"I'm not mad," he said.

"But you're something else that isn't happy?" I asked before he sighed and nodded. "Chris it's nothin against you. It has absolutely nothin to do with you. I just don't believe in that shit-"

"Don't believe in what?"

"If I move in then it'll become a thing where I start to cook for you every night and if we're with each other every night we might slip up and have sex, and then I could get pregnant and then have a baby. So then I'm having your baby, cooking and cleaning for you, having sex with you, and still no ring. I'll basically be your wife but without the title. That's what I mean by playing house. When you get married it's like unlocking another level in game. You get all this extra shit you couldn't imagine, but if you started off with it and you don't gain anything when you go to the next level then what the fuck is the point?" I said.

"So you're saying I have to marry you first?"

"It's apart of the package deal," I shrugged.

"I'm surprised you've only been married once, you're like a salesman on marriage," he said.

"A lot have tried," I said.

"How come only Michael made it?"

"Because he wanted the benefits just like everyone else but there was also love behind it. At least it seemed like there was. If there's no love behind it then I'd be like the color purple," I replied causing him to nod.

The doorbell rung throughout the house causing us to furrow our eyebrows.

"You expectin someone?" I asked before he shook his head.

"Nah," he said before moving me off of his lap.

We walked to the front before he opened the door.


"Ms. Garanger you need to calm down-"


"You're trespassing and you need to leave," I said from over Chris shoulder.

She grabbed me by my bun before dragging me outside the house. I put my head to her stomach before running until she fell over. I started punching her as she tried to punch and hold onto my hair.


"BABY STOP!" Chris yelled as he tried to pull me off of her.

I grabbed a hold of her hair as she held onto mine. I saw her pull something from behind her before a shot rang out in my ears. The bullet went through my stomach and into Chris as we both fell to the ground.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2019 ⏰

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