30. What now? Its Christmas!

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When the two monsters got the message, they immediately went over to Muffets. Not wanting to shut the bar early, Grillby trusted Red Bird to take care of things. Instead of entering the bakery, both went behind it and entered through the secret hatch. It was dark inside. No lights at all. Well aside from the bright flames coming from the flame elemental. After both pairs of feet hit the ground, all the lights turned on to reveal Smith with two presents in her hand.

"MERRY CHRISTMAS!" She yelled, thrusting the presents forward. She had a very large smile on her face. This was...unexpected to say the least. Both thought she did something idiotic or she had a lead on the monsters going crazy. Nope. Both had completely forgot about the holidays. "really smith? you had me freaking out over nothin." Sans sighed. Her large grin slightly faded, only to grow brighter.

"Come onn! I bought you both these! You can't just not take them!" She tossed the wrapped boxes to them. Their instincts told them to catch it, which they did. The boxes where small, and wrapped with candy cane colors. A bow also rested on top. One was orange and the other was blue. Both carefully opened the box up to see a necklace. One was blue and was the left side of a broken heart while the other was orange, being the right side. Together, they made a full heart. Both monsters stared down at their respective necklace with a blank expression.

"D..do you like it?" The woman weakly question. "Smith this is-" "wonderful." Sans finished of his boyfriend's sentence. Smith looked shocked. She was indeed surprised that they truly liked it. "You guys really like it?!" The monsters nodded in sync. It was perfect for them.

"oh crap i need to get home and see paps. and the kid. i'll see you soon 'k? love you." Sans said giving the bartenders peck on the cheek before teleporting away. Not before snapping the price of jewelry into place. Now Grillby was all alone with Smith.

"Do you have anyone to spend with?" The woman asked. The flaming monster shook his head. "No. My family will be getting here in 3 days though. How about you?" Smith said nothing and looked down.

"You can leave now." Grillby was slightly taken aback by her reaction, but listened to her and exited the bakery. Something was going on with her, and he was gonna find out.

Hey...um..Im sorry how short all these chapters are getting. I'm going through a rough time in life and just trying to find my way. Merry Christmas everyone! And if you don't celebrate it, then happy day! I'll try to update more, but no promises. Honestly I'm surprised that you guys read this. Thank you. Your kind comments always brighten my day and inspire me. Thank you all so much. I'll see you next time. Hope you enjoy the next chapter! <3

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