13. An Accomplice?!

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Sans woke up with a jolt. He was laying on the ground in the living room instead of in his bed. The skeleton groaned as he got up and headed out to the bathroom. Grabbing his toothbrush, Sans began brushing his teeth. When he looked into the mirror, he saw the sentence 'Take Grillby to waterfall for a date!' Scribbled on his forehead. "oh asgore, did..did i get drunk last night?" Sans questioned to himself. The punny skeleton began to panic, hopping he didn't revel his feelings for the fire monster. He started thinking back to the latest memory he could find. The only thing he could remember was asking the bartender where he would go for a date. He also distinctly remember... hurt in Grillby's eyes. Sans brushed it off though. The hurt was probably nothing. He's just imagining it right? Yea. Sans. Splashed water and rinsed the marker off of his head, not wanting to show the whole world his love for Grillby. He headed into his room and was about to go back to sleep, when he noticed three VHS tapes on his bedside table.

'oh right. the tapes.' He thought to himself. He grabbed all three and went back to the living room. The short skeleton looked at his tv, but couldn't find a VHS player. Just then, the distinct smell of spaghetti filled his nostrils(?). 'Paps must be here.'. The skeleton walked into the kitchen to see his younger brother. He thought it would be good to ask Papyrus if they had the device. "hey pap, ya know if we got one of those vhs thingys?" The eldest brother questioned. Papyrus turned around, and completely disregarded his question.

"BROTHER YOU ARE HERE! HERE! TRY MY LATEST SPAGHETTI!" The tall skeleton shoved a plate of spaghetti into his brothers hands. Sans grabbed the fork that laid on the plate, grabbed some spaghetti, and ate it. His eyes went wide. It was edible! And not just edible, it was good!" paps, dude, this it really good!" Stars appeared in the taller brothers eyes. "THANK YOU SO MUCH BROTHER! DO YOU THINK UNDYNE WILL LIKE IT?" Sans answered. "totally bro. i don't think she'll turn it into, 'Spearghetti' Papyrus's face stayed the same. "EVEN IF YOUR PUNS ARE TERRIBLE, I STILL AM GLAD YOU LIKE MY SPAGHETTI!" Sans went back to his original question.

"anyway paps, you know if we got some vhs player thing?" Papyrus thought for a moment. "NO I DONT BELIEVE SO, WHY?" Sans quickly thought of an excuse. "oh, this new movie is coming out and it's only on vhs." The younger brother asked what movie it was. Sans didn't know what to say, so he told him it was a movie Alphys recommended him and that he didn't know the name. And with that, Sans waved his brother goodbye, and took one of his shortcuts to the store. After a little, Sans found what he was looking for, and went to the front desk. To his surprise, Burgerpants was there, looking bored as ever.

"hey didn't you work at the mtt resort back in the underground?" Burgerpants just looked at him and sighed." Yea I did. So what?" Sans snugged as he gave the item to the grouchy clerk who scanned it. "Hey. Your friends with that bartender right? His bar still ain't open it I've had a ruff day so if you could get him to open up, that would be great." Burgerpants said, handing the begged item back over to Sans, after he paid of course. Hearing that Grillby wasn't open, slightly surprised him, but he then remembered that Smith needed him for that Loox monster.

"yea i'll see what i can do." And with that, Sans left. He planned on calling Grillby after watching the tapes. He teleported back to his room, locked the door, and hooked up the VHS player to the tv in her room. He popped in the tape labeled '#1' into the it and pressed play. It didn't really show much. Just some people and monsters walking to where ever they needed to be. So he took that one out and put I. '#2' This one showed basically the same thing as the first. So, he finally put in the final tape in. This time, it showed the Loox walking out of the same ally, and entering one out of the camera view. Then Grillby walking by with the necklace and the Loox following, Sans stopping him blah blah blah. Sans was about to take it out when he say something that caught his eyes.

The Loox was in handcuffs, Smith was taking to Sans while Grillby was taking his phone call. A quick flash was seen. Sans slowed the video. What Sans saw, shook him to the core. The flash was a camera flash. A dark figure was the culprit. They took a picture of  all of them.

He wasn't alone.

875! Sorry for the break. My cousins are visiting. But anyway, look at that. 'Loox' like the Loox wasn't alone! Spooky! You'll have to keep reading to see who the accomplice is! Or if you looked back and decoded the message. So, hope you enjoy the next chapter! <3

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