16. Not happy

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The phone was dead. How perfect. Now Grillby was trapped inside a warehouses with a bunch of kids and he has no way out. Great. All the children looked at the dead device. Snowdrake looked over to his little sister angrily. "VULKIN! Now he has no way out!" Little Vulkin got really sad. "I'm sorry big brother... I just wanted to play games..." She gasped. "OH I know how to fix this! I can go out and find your friends and bring them here!" Grillby paused. Sending a child out to find Sans and Smith... Sans seemed very upset. And if he found out she was part of Grillby's kidnaping then he might just freak out a bit. But Snowdrake tried to shut that down quick.

"No way are you crazy?! Did you hear how angry that guy was on the phone?! Not to mention that Loox told us how powerful he looked!" Loox nodded. "Yea he had these bone thingies that surrounded him, like giant mouths and bones with a glowing blue eye! Scary." Vulkin still had a look of DETERMINATION though. "I can do it! Just tell me what he looks like and I will go get him." The teenagers looked over to Grillby for answers. Snowdrake and Loox's faces told him to say NO, but everyone else's said do it. "Ok, here's what we'll do. Vulkin, I believe you can do this." "What?!" Snowdrake yelled. "His name is Sans and he should be with a woman named Smith. Sans is a short skeleton with a blue jacket and Smith is a tall woman with long brown hair and glasses. Now don't tell them you are with everyone or they may get angry. Lead them here and I will keep you guys from lots of trouble." Vulkin's face lit up while Snowdrake's went dark.

"You promise that he won't hurt her right?" He asked while turning towards the adult. "Promise." Snowdrake turned to his little sister and put his hands on her shoulders.(don't ask me how he doesn't melt.) "Now I want you to be safe. Don't tell them you know us and bring them right here. Stay safe, don't talk to strangers, annnddd... OH here." Snowdrake ran over to a desk that had paper on and and scribbled down Sans and Smith's descriptions. "Just remember they look like this. I..i love you ok?" The little lava child nodded. "I love you to big brother!" She ran in the direction of the crawl space and went through, leaving everyone else to hope she does the job.

~~With Sans and Smith~~

Once Smith tracked the call, she found it was coming from a group of warehouses. Sans grabbed her and instantly, they both arrived at the area. Smith looked nauseas afterwards but Sans did not care. He was still angry at her. "which one?" He questioned lowly. "U..um well it didn't say...only in this area." They both scanned around to see at least 300 warehouses. "well looks like we're gonna be here for a while." They both split up into different directions. After around 30 minutes, they only searched 20. "Uuuuggghhhhh this is going to take forever!" Smith yelled. Sans yelled back at her. "well maybe you shouldn't have let grillby get kidnapped!"

"WHHAAAA" A different voice was heard near Sans, like someone in pain. Quickly, Sans ran over to the voice and saw a Vulkin underneath a tire. "Ahhhh mister can you please help me?" Sans lifted the object from her. She looked at him. "Are you Sans?" Sans looked at her. "yes, how did you know?" "OH well I saw..." she hesitated. "I... saw this group of monsters dragging away this burning man. N..N..not that he was a man on Fire but fire monster. A..and he was yelling for someone named Sans so I've been going around asking people if their name is Sans!" She lied. Though Sans believed her. "SMITH!" Sans Screamed for the brown hair woman. She came running over to the two. "What is it? Who is this?" She questioned."she saw where grillby was taken to.". Smith let out a sigh of relief for 3 reasons. 1. She doesn't have to search the whole area. 2. Now they know where Grillby is. And 3. She really didn't want Sans to stay mad at her.

"where are they?" Sans asked the young monster. "OH! There in warehouse 251!" Within an instant, Sans teleported away. This time though, Sans didn't take Smith with him. So now it's just Vulkin and Smith. They walked in silence for a little bit. Then Vulkin spoke. "Why does that skeleton want to get that other man so badly?" Smith paused. "Well, it's because he loves him. It was my fault his love got taken away and now he is very mad at me." A smile came upon little Vulkin's face. "Well it seems Mr. Fire man loves him to, seeing how worried he was about him!" She immediately slammed her hand over her mouth. She had said too much. Smith stopped walking.

"Vulkin. How could you know that?" Vulkin started stammering and stuttering, trying to think of an excuse, but coming up blank. "Your the Vulkin from the group of thieves ain'tcha?" Lava tears started forming in the little volcano's eyes. After 5 seconds, she fell to her knees and began sobbing. "YES WE DID IT!" She yelled. "M..me and my brother a..and his friends wanted a..a new g..game system a..and we thought we could get away with stealing b..but now we're in SI MUCH TROUBLE!" The girl had her head down, her lava tears pouring down like a faucet, with her tears scorching the ground beneath her. Smith walked over to her.

"Honey. How old are you and your brother?" "I..I'm 10 and he's 15." It dawned on Smith that she never once asked the Loox his age. She kneeled down to the sobbing girl. "Ok little one, it's ok. Me and my Friendster going to help you ok? Come on. Let's go get your brother and his friends. Then we'll all discuss the situation. The volcano child looked up at her, wiping away her tears. "Ok."  She said. Smith picked her up and began carrying her towards the locating where all the monsters should be. Only then did she realize. 'SANS THINKS THEIR ADULTS TORTURING GRILLBY!'

~~with Sans~~

He teleported away to warehouse 300. "no not here." Sans said to no one. He teleported away again. And again and again he teleported to the wrong building. The skeleton wasn't focused anymore. He couldn't think clearly. All he wanted to do was embrace his love. He wanted to watch him preform his bartending duties so gracefully. He wanted to see him laugh at his puns. He wanted to confess to him. Confess the love he has been hiding away. But now it could be too late. Grillby could be hurt or beaten or...worse dead. After around 5 attempts, Sans was getting tired. He stopped and looked where he was. "251".

~~with Grillby and the teens~~

"Got any 7's?" "Go fish." The teenagers, plus one adult, sat in a circle in the middle of the room playing with a deck of cards. After Vulkin left, they found the deck underneath some files and started playing Go Fish. Washua And Madjick was about to win when loud, heavy knocks where heard on the warehouse garage door. After a few seconds, the door was surrounded with blue, and was thrown from where it last stood. And there he stood. Sans. Left eye flaring blue, right hand in the air, and a murderous look on his face.

1291 words today! Actually wrote this whole chapter on a piece of paper in science class today and boy was my hand sore. Like REALLY sore. Anyway, thanks for reading and hope you enjoy the next chapter!<3

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