24. Fixer upper

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It was dusty, dark, and was the definition of old. Sans looked all around, his eyes adjusting to the darkness slowly. His boney hands scanned the walls in search of a switch to banish the void of light. Once located, Sans switched it, only to be met with flickers. It brightened up the room for only a few seconds, then out, then back on. Really annoying if you think about it. Scanning around, the room was just how he left it. The blueprints scattered around, the sticky notes that littered insides of drawers, everything.

Absentmindedly, the skeleton opened one drawer. His eyes landed on one sticky note that caught his attention. 'Don't forget'. Two words. Two words can have a lot of meaning. 'Love you' and 'Screw you' are two words with heavy meaning, especially when you don't mean it. You can say I love you to someone and kill them the next day in cold blood, or you can tell someone to go f*ck themself and you end up being married. Don't forget to get the milk, Don't forget our anniversary, Don't forget to feed the dog. No matter how many times it's said or written down, you can still forget. A few tear pricked his eye sockets as Sans had a duller smile.

"sorry pops. i forgot." The tears disappeared as soon as the came as he remembered why he was here. Thinking back onto the strange dream, Sans began feeling around the walls of the old room. So far, nothing. The walls all felt normal. Once he was about to give up, a single tile on the wall pushed inward, revealing a passageway in the wall. Wouldn't mistake it for some horror movie. Following the horror topic, he blindly walked into the blackness that awaited him.

Once fully out of the hall, Sans looked around. However it was pointless whether he had his eyes open or not. Doing the same as before, he looked around for a light switch. Instead of a switch, a small beaded chain hung from the roof. Once pulled, the room light up like like a fire. The room was exactly as the dream told. A massive machine sat on the center, and a coffee table. However the table was bare with no evidence that anything ever rested upon it. Something in the room did look different. At least 5 chairs where newly places, and the machine was......on?

Sans slowly stuck his hand out to touch the strange contraption. It was very large. Taller then Sans on top of Grillby's shoulders, and the size of a small bathroom. It was as grey as a monsters SOUL. Tons of buttons and blinking lights littered the outside of it. Once his hand made contact, he quickly reeled it back. It was freezing cold. Not only that, but the thing started making strange sounds. It sounded a little like an engine mixed with a microwave (MMMMMMMM). It didn't do anything different though. It just continued to flash its lights.

Deciding to finally do what he came here to, the skeleton monster exited the room and went back to the main room. He turned to the giant thing covered by a sheet, and ripped it off. The object was tall and rectangular, a little like a walk in closet. The inside was hollowed out and a glass door lead to the inside of it. The outside had wires sticking all over the place with buttons and levers beside the door.

"time to fix this." Sans spoke to himself.

~time skip cause explaining how sans messed with some wires is boring~

With some wires crossed and some more doodads places with the thing-a-ma whatsits, Sans put on some protective goggles, and flipped one of the levers. Some blinding lights shone from the box and air waves strong enough to knock the skeletal monster to the ground. Once the light subsided, he opened his eyes to see...

Nothing. Absolutely nothing. With a sigh, Sans spoke. "Attempted number 10,476, fail." Instead of sitting in defeat, he got up, and started working again.

Hey y'all! Thanks for tuning in! In this chapter I would like to thank you (for like the 1 millionth time) for reading cause we are at 836 reads! Hugs and kisses to you 🖤! Anyway I hope you enjoy the next chapter! <3

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