20. File under: success

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After a couple seconds, the knob slowly twisted open to reveal a stunning, yet nervous fire monster. To say that Sans thought Grillby looked good, was an understatement. He looked incredible. "hey hot stuff." Grillby blushed. "Thank you Sans. You look rather nice yourself!" Sans took Grillby by the hand and led him downstairs. They stepped outside and both saw the limo still waiting outside. The bartender gasped. "Sans! You got a limo?!" The skeleton nervously chuckled. "yyyeeeaaaa! nothing but the best!". 'note, remember to thank the glitter bucket.'. Both entered the large vehicle while Sans whispered to the young driver their destination, not wanting to ruin the surprise. As the drive began, they lovers started making conversations. Things like 'how's work' or compliments like 'noticed how HOT you are?'. All sorts of cutesy things a couple MASSIVELY in love would talk about.

They arrived at a nice, fancy restaurant called "Lavender". Both exited, thanked the driver, and entered the establishment. Once they where inside, wonderful fragrances washed over both of them. The walls where painted shades of dark purple and a blue mix. Not many people where inside. Holding hands, the two walked up to the front desk. A woman filing her nails sat their looking like she had way better things to do. "excuse me? can we get a table for two?" Sans asked her. She waited a couple seconds, then looked up at them. A scowl crawled on her face. The lady spoke, slight agitation in her voice.

"What can I do for you..." she paused. "Nice gentleman." Sarcasm. Great. "a table for two." Sans repeated. She scoffed and led them to a booth in the far corner of the establishment. She carelessly tossed down a menu and briskly walked back to her post, mumbling something unintelligible. "such kind service." Grillby chuckled at Sans's obvious sarcasm. They looked over the menu. Different foods, drinks, categories, but one thing that caught Grillby's eyes was a section labeled, "Elemental beverages". Listed below was an assortment of different drinks elemental monsters can and can drink. One in particular caught his eye. It was called the "Fire Ace". Add a little more spice to your alcohol. A teenage girl then roller skated right up to them. "HIYA! I'm Rachel and I'll be your waitress today! Can I get you fellas somthin to drink?" Man. This girl and the one upfront where polar opposites. Both monsters could tell instantly.

"um, i'll get a wate..." Sans looked over to his FIRE boyfriend. "How about the um.. Evo blue?" Rachel turned her head to Grillby. "And for you sir?". "I'll take the Fire Ace." She wrote both down on a little notebook. "Aaaaallllllrighty! I'll be right back!" She was gone as quickly as she arrived. The skeleton commented how, Smith-like she was once Sans told her about the date. While waiting, the bartender decided to tell a story to Sans. A story about the time he and his brother vandalized one of their teachers cars for giving them both an F on a paper. Though, Sans wasn't really paying attention. Only looking at his dates features. Sharp jawline, strong muscles, voice of gold. Everything. So perfect.

Out of nowhere, two drinks came practically flying onto their table. Somehow, nothing spilled, but their waitress was on the ground. She got up quickly however and started panicking. "OH I'm sooooo soooo sooooooo sorry! Nothing got on anyone right?". The fire monster quickly reassured her that everything was fine. They then proceeded to order. Both decided on ordering the steak. Only Sans with extra ketchup. Once she left, the conversations started.

"hey grilbz! how's about a game of 20 questions?" Sans questioned. "Alright. I'll let you go first." The skeleton took a second to think. "ok then. what's your full name?" Grillby rubbed the back of his neck and nervously laughed. "Umm... well my full name is... you promise not to laugh right?" Sans held up is pinky bone. "Alright. My full name is Grillby Gilbert Flame...". A Sans began chuckling. And once Grillby acknowledged it, he started laughing hard. His flames burst into a light pink. "You said you wouldn't laugh!" Sans took a second to calm down. "ah ok ok. will it make you feel better that my name is comic sans?" The bartender giggled a bit. "I guess. Now my question." A pause. "What's your favorite show?"

~~time skip~~

Before the food even arrived, they already got down to 10 questions. Grillby found out Sans sometimes plays the trumpet in his free time and Grillby has been cooking since he was 11. Finally, their food arrived. The waitress handed both their food and promptly left. Sans grabbed the ketchup bottle and drenched his steak all in it. Some patrons gave strange looks, but didn't say anything. As the two ate, they continued their little game. "so grilbz, when and why did you come to snowden?" That may or may not be two questions, but who cares.

Grillby hesitated. Sans already knows he was born in hotland, so him asking this was inevitable. "W..well I began living their when I was 10." He stopped. Sans, still looking interested, waited. "My parents always wanted me to be perfect. Always dress nice, Get A's, and everything else that fits in the category of perfect. One day, something........happened and I went to live with my grandpa. But...". The fork the fire man was holding began super heating, turning a red color. They both stayed silent for a minute. Swiftly, the fire monsters red fork stabbed into the steak. Instantly, it began bubbling and burning up.

"WOAH WOAH grilbz calm down! look, forget i asked! i got somewhere I gotta take you." After a few seconds, Grillby finally cooled down and apologized. Then, the bill came in. "don't worry grilbz. I got it.". "No it alright Sans, I can get it.". "no no. im takin you on this date and im paying for it." After a short argument of the bills payer, it was settled on Sans. They thanked their waitress, and stood outside the restaurant.

"hey g. im gonna cal, a cab alright?" Grillby replied with an ok, and they waited. While waiting, they held hands. Once the cab arrived, they got in and, yet again, whispered the destination. "Oh come on. Where are we going now?". "that's a surprise!"

~~another time skip by a good date~~

The cab stopped. Right at the bottom of MT Ebot. And again, sans payed. "Sans! You didn't have to!" Sans only chuckled. "that's not the important thing. come on let's go." Both hiked up the mountain, right to the entrance, and they went inside what used to be known as monster kinds home. "hey, i know a short cut." Still holding hands, they teleported straight to waterfall. They both proceeded to laugh and talk and have a good time all together!

When they reached a spot that was dry enough for the fire man, they both sat down, watching the water fall down into the seemingly endless abyss. "Sans.". "yea?" The skeleton replied. "Thank you. You made this day so perfect." Sans blushed at the compliment. "meh. it was nothin. nothin but the best for the one i love." The two turned to each other. Looked into the others eyes, and connected their lips.

Yyyeeeaaa! Here's the date! Hope it was good, considering I've never been on a date! #forever-alone. So I'm gonna make the next chapter about Payton, cause I don't think theirs enough of it. Anyway hope you enjoy the next chapter! <3

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