11. Not me?

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A day had passed since their bait trap succeeded and one of the crooked monsters was caught, now if was time for Grillby to get back to his bartending duties. During the day, he was constantly questioned about why the bar wasn't opened. Every time, he responded with an emergency happened. It did make Grillby happy to know that his patrons did care about them, but he wished that they would just drop it. Eventually they did, and they day continued to be good. It was still difficult to run the bar alone, but nothing he couldn't handle. Soon, the bar had everyone served and the flaming bartender had the chance to take a break. Only a couple of seconds into his break, a familiar face walks in. No not Sans, but someone else.

The mayor walked into the establishment. "Hey there mayor!" "Look dear, it's the mayor!" "Howdy Mr. Mayor!" People greeted. His eyes meet with Grillby's, and his original happy go-lucky face became laced with seriousness. He walked over to Grillby. "I need to talk to you." Was all he said before disappearing into the kitchen, Grillby followed. "Mayor, what is it?" Grillby questioned. The Mayors serious face became panicked. "Gilbert, something bad is happening. Very bad. I have been getting reports of monsters going crazy and attacking people. Witnesses say there eyes become grey and dark and they speak in a weird language. We haven't found the language yet, but I am getting concerned for the safety of humans and monsters. I doubt that you can do anything about this matter, but you are one of my greatest friends and I just couldn't keep this secret for myself and I trust you will not tell any one about this." Grillby was dumbfounded. Why would monsters be attacking humans? What's with their eyes? Why now? Things weren't adding ,up. Maybe it has to do with the group?

"I am glad that you told me this. I know I can't do anything but thank you for letting me know. I don't plan on telling anyone. What do you plan on doing?" Grillby spoke. "Well I don't have a plan now, but we are keeping the attacking monsters we've obtained secluded." The bartender thanked his friend for letting him know. "HEY BARTENDER LEMME GET A SHOT OVER HERE!" Someone yelled. They said their goodbyes as the mayor exited to the back while Grillby went to attend the customer. Just then, a smol skeleton walked in with everyone greeting him. He sat in his regular seat as he ordered his bottle of ketchup. As Grillby set the condiment down, he asked asked Sans a very important question.

"Sans when are you going to pay your tab?" Sans nearly spit the ketchup out. "u..uh well when i got money?" He questioned. "Was that a statement or a question?" Grillby shot back. "uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh statement?" "That sounds like a question." Grillby started to get annoyed. Sans let out a sigh, chugging down the whole bottle. "alright grilbz. i'll give ya the 100g i got yesterday. that'll pay for a lot of it right?" The bartender let out a sigh of his own. "Yes Sans. Because we are on the surface now, gold is a lot up here." Sans laughed and asked for another bottle. Grillby complied and dropped another down.

Giving Sans a bottle or two a night in the underground wasn't that weird. But now that he is on his 7th bottle, that might have been a bit excessive. So when he asked for his eighth, Grillby refused. "o..oh *Hic c..come on G! J..just lemme g..grab o..*HIC..ne mmmoorrree bottle." Sans drunkenly slurred. "You see, to be drinking a lot. Got something on your mind" the bartender questioned. It was only them and two more passed out people inside despite Grillby's closing at 12, and it was only 10. Sans began to think.

"w..well there's ssssssssomeone who i *HIC r..really wanna a..ask oooout bbbbbbuuut I dunno what they'll say!" At the end, Sans threw his hands into the air. "i have known *Hic them f..f..for a while annnd iiiiiiiiiiiiiim think in a..about doin it onnnnnn tuesday." Each word that poured out the drunken skeletons mouth felt worst then being drenched in water, but he let him continue. "llllllllike if *HIC was t..to ask you where y..you would go tthheennnn where would you w..wanna go?" The wasted monster asked. And to that question, Grillby answered honestly.

"Well, I would enjoy going to waterfall. I know I'm made of fire, but it's so peaceful there. The sounds of the water crashing, the beautiful echo flower that don't grow here, yea thats where I'd want to go." Sans looked as if he was writing something, but put his writing tool away. "k ttthhaannnkkksss grillllbzzzz seeeee ya tuesday!" Sans waves goodbye and teleported out of the building. The fire monster escorted the final two customers out. He went to his home, sat on his bed....

And cried.

Yea 846 words! Sorry I didn't post yesterday. I had homework. But thanks to grammer_Nazi6 for voting on my chapters! So Grillby thinks sans wants to ask someone else out. Man that happened to me once. But instead of my crush liking me, he wanted to ask my friend instead. Yeaaaa that sucked, but at least their happy! The interrogation is happening at 12 and Grillby needs to be there. Will he be able to work through it? Only I know :p! Hope you enjoy the next chapter! <3

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