10. She knows

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There, behind the monsters stalking Grillby, stood Sans, one eye glowing. On closer inspection, it was the Loox from the group. "now what do ya think your doin stalking my friend?" The Loox started to become nervous. "N..now stay back! I..i can shoot you with this s..stuff and then I'll r..rob you blind!" The monster shouted, holding up a syringe with a white, bubbly liquid inside. Within an instant, a blue aura surrounded it, and it was instantly brought over into Sans's boney grasp. "ya mean this?" Sans laughed. "so if i just did this.." Sans shot out the liquid, all over the Loox. It started yelling out in agony due to the Cigam revomer getting in its eye. It fell to its knees, pleading for MERCY. Smith came walking down the ally, clapping her hands.

"Perfect. Now then Mr. Loox, we have heard that you have been in a crime ring of robbing's and we are taking you in for interrogation." The Loox only grunted. It then started to recite a code. "23,15,19,21,1 9 23,9,12,12 2,18,9,14,7 20,8,5 2,21,18,9,14,7 15,14,5." Everyone looked confused. Smith put handcuffs on the criminal as Sans went to talk to Grillby.

"Oh my Asgore Sans, I was getting terrified! Where where you?" Grillby questioned. "dude you will never believe this, but we thought we saw you walk out the building but it was another fire elemental that looked just like you!" Sans replied. "Did you check for the necklace I am wearing?" The fire monster pulled on the necklace around his neck. Sans only nervously chuckled. "'Loox' like we caught one of the criminals." Sans joked. Grillby laughed at his successful attempt at making him laugh. Sans then started blushing, he looked like he wanted to say something.

"h..hey uh G? d..do you maybe... i dunno maybe g..go on a..." a sound rang out from the pocket of Grillby. "Hold that thought Sans, I gotta take this." With that, Grillby went a little further down the ally. Smith sat the Loox down and walked over to Sans, a glow in her eyes. "Hey. You did good. You almost did it! Next time, you can do this!" Smith encouraged. "heh, thanks. ya know, i didn't really like ya at first,  but your alright." Sans confessed.

Turns out, it was just a worried customer wondering why he wasn't open. Grillby told the patron that there was a family emergency, and they believed him. Grillby turned back to his crush and 'boss'. "Now what did you want to say Sans?" Grillby questioned. "o..oh w..well uhh w..well i...um...". Smith saw how terrible Sans was trying to put this, so she had an idea. "OH! I forgot! Here you two!" 100 G was given to each monster. Both was dumbfounded. "W..wait. We're getting PAID for this?"

"Oh yea you are! You will get 100 G for bait missions! Yea I know. Oh also. Both of you, you have a new mission on Tuesday. Grillby, tomorrow I need you after work to get to the base while Sans, you need to um... take these tapes of security and watch them at your home. I will be there after interrogating the suspect." Smith told both monsters, giving sans 3 VHS tapes. "wait where is the dude anyway?" "Oh don't worry I handcuffed him to a stop light." Smith replied. After their goodbyes, all went home. Well, except for Smith, who went to Muffets to put the suspect in the interrogation room.

Once Sans made it home, he saw his brother and Undyne in the kitchen, with tomatoes sauce everywhere. "yo dude what is happening here?" Sans questioned the other two monsters. "OH! BROTHER YOU ARE HOME! ME AND UNDYNE HERE WHERE JUST MAKING SOME SPAGHETTI HERE! I THINK IT IS GHE BEST ONE YET! ALSO, THE HUMAN FRISK IS IN THE GUEST ROOM!" Papyrus yelled out to his brother. Followed by Undyne's voice.

"Yea! The little punk is getting better at fighting too! Might have messed up some pillow but WHATEVER! LETS GET BACK TO THAT PASTA PAPYRUS!" Sans made his way up the stairs to the guest bedroom, and heard the kid talking to someone. "hey pap is someone else home?" "NO ONLY ME, YOU, UNDYNE AND THE HUMAN!" Sans listened in.

"Yea they are the best for each other! Don't you think?"

"💣⍓ ⬧□■✍✏ 🕈♓⧫♒ ♋ ♐♓❒♏ ♏●♏❍♋■⧫♋●✍ ☟□⬥ ⬧⧫❒♋■♑♏📬 ✋ ■♏❖♏❒ ♑◆♏⬧⬧♏♎ ⧫♒♋⧫ ⧫♒♓⬧ ⬥□◆●♎ ♒♋◻◻♏■📬"

"I know! Hey, you see, to be thinking about something. What is it?"

"💣⍓ ♍♒♓●♎📬 ✋ ■♏♏♎ ⍓□◆❒ ♒♏●◻📬 ✌■ ♏⌧◻♏❒♓❍♏■⧫ ♓■ ⧫♒♏ ❖□♓♎ ⬥♏■⧫ ⬥❒□■♑ ♋■♎ ⬧□❍♏⧫♒♓■♑ ❒♏♋●●⍓ ♌♋♎ ⬥♓●● ♒♋◻◻♏■📬 ✋ ■♏♏♎ ⍓□◆ ⧫□📬📬📬"

Sans busted into the room, sweat covering his forehead and his eye glowing. Frisk, on her bed, turned to look at him. "k..kid are you in here alone?" Frisk looked completely innocent. "Yea I'm here alone. Why." She questioned. "i swear i..." But his sentiments was cut off by the small child. "You like him don't you?" If Sans had a drink, he would have spit it out. "l..like who?" Sans nervously questioned.

"GRILLBY silly! You should ask him out!" Frisk pulled out a little notebook.

"GRILLBY silly! You should ask him out!" Frisk pulled out a little notebook

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The kids drawing showed pretty much what she expected Sans to do. "l..look kid i can't just do this. h..he has work and stuff." Frisk frowned. "B..but he doesn't have work Tuesday! Tell, him then!" The little child persists. "alright alright fine if it'll get ya off my bones." Sparkles came from her eyes. "Remember! Tuesday!" "Yea Yea alright." Sans left the room.

'ask him out. tuesday. can i really do this?'


"§£€¥£. A man who experimented on his daughter and caused great damage."

"And Mr.~^<>\, you killed him in self defense?"

"Yes your honor."

"Very well. Has the jury reached a verdict?"

"We have your honor. In Mr. ~^<>\'s self defense murder case, we find the defendant..."

"Not guilty."

957 words! Man, already in the 10th chapter! Awesome! I would like to thank @The_Terable_Drawer for voting on my chapters! Please go check them out. So Frisk knows that Sans likes Grillby and has made a plan for them. Will this work out? Who knows, (except me). Hope you enjoy the next chapter! <3

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