
2.4K 65 25

Dom: how old is he?

Dom: your boyfriend

Julia: good morning to you too dom

Dom: ahahaha goodmorning

Julia: he's 25

Dom: 25? wow

Dom: are your parents ok with the age gap between you two?

Julia: yeah they are

Julia: actually brendon is a really good friend of my dad's. that's how i met him

Dom: oooh

Dom: makes sense

Julia: yeah so they love him

Dom: i'm not surprised since you told me he's hot af

Julia: what does that mean??

Julia: liking someone isn't about the looks dom!!

Dom: you're right

Julia: lesson of the day

Dom: thank you for starting my day with that one

Julia: no problem

Julia: how did you sleep

Dom: pretty good i guess

Julia: you guess

Julia: like you just forgot

Dom: no hahaha i just slept for four hours but they were four good hours

Julia: four hours damn

Julia: why?

Dom: idk

Dom: anxiety

Julia: jesus that sucks i'm sorry

Dom: it's ok i've been dealing with it ever since i was a kid

Dom: anyways what are the plans for today?

Julia: school

Julia: and then i'm gonna hang with some friends

Dom: cool

Julia: wbu?

Dom: idk yet

Dom: maybe some writing

Julia: you're a songwriter?

Dom: and a singer kinda

Julia: brooooo

Julia: no way

Dom: i never really performed though. only in school

Julia: was it before i came in art school?

Dom: yeah the year before that

Julia: tragic

Julia: so you write your own songs?

Dom: yeah

Julia: can i hear it?

Dom: oh eh

Dom: i don't know i'm just not really confident about my writing yet

Dom: i'm not finished yet

Dom: idk i feel like it's bad

Julia: dom don't worry it's fine

Julia: show me once it feels right

Dom: ok :)


This was short but well I'm sorry :)

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