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Julia had hoped that their repetitive and boring conversations would make place for the kind of conversations they used to have, but they didn't. Instead, the conversations got more and more repetitive as the only thing they talked about were things Julia had forgotten about.

Even Dom who had been positive all the time seemed to lose his optimism. It wasn't weird: of course he got tired of always saying the same things to her.

The fact that they could never hold their normal conversations anymore drifted them apart quicker than they would've thought. And instead of cuddling in bed together talking about the craziest things that were on their minds, Julia was sitting on the floor playing with Bella, the dog Dom had brought to her house, and Dom was sitting on the bed, watching them as he said nothing.

They could have conversations, of course. But Dom was obviously too scared to bring up any subject: afraid Julia would have forgotten about it.

Always when he brought up something Julia didn't know anymore she got frustrated and it had ended in a fight at least four times now. Without them both even really wanting it.

"She looks hungry. Look, she... I think she wants food," Julia told Dom as she was trying to pull a toy out of Bella's mouth, making the dog growl and jump up and down to win the fight.

"No she just wants to play," Dom said and he chuckled as he looked at the way Bella took the game so seriously. "She loves to do this."

Julia shook her head and let Bella win the fight so she could pet her instead. "She has been biting down on basically everything that's close to her mouth."

Dom chuckled. "She's a puppy. She always does that."

He slowly got off the bed and walked over to where Julia and Bella were sitting. He didn't sit down next to Julia, though, and only looked down at them still playing while he gently started stroking Julia's hair.

"Oh," Julia just responded and she shrugged, leaning back a little as a sign he had to go on.

"And she has already eaten like two hours ago," Dom told her as he understood her request and started running his fingers through her hair to stroke it backwards.

"I know," Julia said and she stopped petting Bella and laid her hands in her lap, just watching how Bella tried to get her attention again. "I'm not dumb."

"I know baby. I didn't mean it like-"

"No you thought I forgot about it," Julia told him as she turned around to look up at him. Dom wrapped his arms around his chest now and shook his head.

"I was just trying to say that she doesn't need food right now."

"You literally thought I forgot about it," Julia argued with him, still looking up at him even though their difference in height was so big as she was still sitting on the ground.

"Honey I didn't. And if you forgot about it, that would be o-"

"Not fucking okay," Julia finished the sentence for him. "I'm not fucking dumb Dom. You keep acting like I'm dumb."

Julia's sudden anger seemed to surprise Dom a lot and he shook his head fiercely as he frowned. "I don't? Tell me when did I act like you were dumb?"

"You do that the fucking time," Julia said angrily as she stood up and walked over to the bed to sit down on it and stare at the wall to avoid eye contact with Dom.

It was silent for a few seconds, probably because Dom needed to search for something to say to that, but he eventually said "I can't believe you act like I treat you like shit while all I do is make sure you feel okay."

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