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Dom: hey are you awake yet?

Dom: hi

Dom: reply if you see this

Julia: hi :)

Dom: hi 🥺

Dom: how are you feeling?

Julia: kinda ok

Dom: that's good

Dom: can you remember anything from tonight? like what you told me?

Julia: not really it was a mess

Dom: oh..

Julia: was it bad?

Dom: read our conversation of tonight


Julia: oh my god i'm so sorry

Dom: for what?

Julia: for putting you up with that kind of bullshit

Julia: idk what i was saying wtf was i talking about

Julia: i got a really bad headache yes but i drank so much

Dom: so nothing of it is true?

Dom: about brendon being abusive

Julia: no

Julia: we just fight sometimes but he doesn't hurt me don't worry

Dom: it sounded pretty serious when you said it

Julia: don't worry about it

Julia: omg i have this test Monday and i haven't studied at all yet and it's gonna be a distaster

Dom: what class

Julia: music

Dom: shit man

Dom: i always underestimated those tests because i was good at playing instruments so i thought i'd rock the test as well

Julia: same

Julia: so i didn't study yet but now i opened my book i'm like... wtf does this even mean

Dom: hahaha


Julia: hey dom?

Dom: yes?

Julia: yesterday i told you i missed you right

Dom: yeah

Julia: i mean it. idk what it is but i love talking to you for some reason and it feels like we've been friends for a longer time

Dom: aw :)

Dom: i love talking to you too

Julia: and i feel like i can trust you

Dom: 🥺🥺

Julia: i kinda have to say something

Dom: go ahead

Julia: but i don't want you to make a big deal out of it because it's ok and i know what i'm doing so you shouldn't worry about it

Dom: jula i already know what you're gonna say

Julia: you do?

Dom: yes

Julia: oh

Dom: i think you know how i feel about it as i told you yesterday

Julia: yeah i know

Julia: no one else knows

Julia: but since i accidentally told you yesterday i thought i'd tell you

Dom: okay

Dom: jula i want you to know

Dom: that you shouldn't think that behavior like this is normal and you don't deserve to be treated like this AT ALL so please know your worth

Julia: thanks dom :/

Julia: you're so kind :(

Dom: i can't do anything about it but if you wanna talk about it please talk to me or even a special service line because it's pretty serious

Julia: it's just hard because brendon still is the love of my life and he's so so sweet to me 80% of the time and he buys me presents and lets me do anything i want

Julia: but 20% of the time he's just so rude to me and i never know what to do or what i did wrong

Julia: and then i'm positive i wanna break up with him but he always comes back with the best way to say sorry and i forgive him

Julia: does it sound stupid

Dom: no it doesn't

Dom: i don't wanna force you to do things but remember that you deserve to be treated well 100% of the time and not 80%

Julia: yeah

Julia: i just don't know because we've been together for two years and i couldn't live without him

Julia: so i kinda accepted it i think

Dom: it's just not normal ok julia

Dom: that's all i want you to know

Julia: thank u dom

Julia: and i have another question

Dom: what's up

Julia: can we go back to our normal conversations and pretend like this never happened

Dom: if you want it

Julia: i want that

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