author's note

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I can't believe I'm writing this because I wished this book would never end but this was the end of part one(!!) of this story. I'm gonna be honest and say that this was literally one of my favorite things I have done so far. I LOVED to write the story but most importantly the comments I got on every chapter were soooo fun to read and made me so happy (you have no idea).

If you're reading this, you're an absolute legend and I love you so much. Thank you for reading the entire book and supporting it and also the people who I've seen commenting a lot, thank you so much you're the sweetest your comments made me so happy :)

Anyway as I said this was part one of the story. I don't know if ANYONE is interested in a part two but the story isn't over yet (I already planned part two completely so :)) The first chapter of part two could literally be chapter eighty-one for this story, but that didn't feel right for me because of reasons. One of them is because I felt like this book would have like 130 chapters which is... a lot.

I'm already writing part two and I'm uploading it within the next two days (I think) so IF you want to keep reading the story you can follow me to get a notif of that (you can unfollow me after tho but it's just for the notification).

Again thank you so much for reading part one. It was so much fun to write and I hope it was fun to read :)

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