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Julia: don

Julia: are yoy inkibr

Dom: ink what

Julia: onlibr

Dom: online

Julia: yeah

Julia: so tou are

Dom: jules you're drunk as fuck aren't you

Julia: idk

Dom: yes you are

Julia: a littlr

Julia: what tine is ir

Dom: don't you have a clock on your phone?

Julia: yed but uts blurry

Dom: hahahaha oh god

Dom: it's 1.24am

Julia: hwy are you onlinr

Julia: go to sleep

Dom: i was making some songs

Dom: actually i was finishing one

Julia: cool

Julia: can i hearvit

Dom: not yet!!

Dom: once i finished more songs i'll show you the one i'm the proudest of

Dom: which will probably be polygraph eyes

Julia: oh the one with tfe prrtyy ttitle

Dom: aw yes that one

Julia: i mised you :(

Dom: you literally just texted me right before you went to the party though

Julia: yes bt i missed yoy

Julia: sso much

Julia: is thst ok

Dom: of course it is

Dom: i missed you too jula

Dom: was feeling kinda sad but i'm actually doing better now

Julia: dont he sad :((((

Julia: go to the gym

Dom: at 1 in the morning

Julia: yes

Julia: i'kl go with you

Julia: becsyse this party sycks

Dom: oh :( i'm sorry

Dom: that sucks because you were so excited for it

Julia: yes

Julia: it was do much fun and ecetfone was so nice

Julia: brvthen brendon git mad at me

Julia: and bow i have a headacgr

Dom: drink some water please

Dom: why did he get mad at you :( i'm sorry to hear that

Julia: water doesnt help

Dom: it does, believe me i've been drunk many times and had a headache

Julia: no

Julia: brebdon hut me

Julia: my rye is blue

Julia: more blue tgab normal hahahahaha

Dom: hold the fuck up

Dom: brendon hit you?

Dom: because he was mad at you?

Julia: yeah

Dom: are you serious

Julia: its ok

Dom: no julia what the fuck it's not

Dom: does he abuse you more often?

Julia: idk

Julia: hebgets really mad dsometines

Dom: that's not ok

Dom: not at fucking all

Julia: it's only a headacgr

Dom: julia he isn't allowed to hurt you like ever

Dom: you realize that it's not ok right?

Julia: he days it's becsyse he wants to protect ne

Dom: from what

Julia: making strupid choices

Dom: i swear to fuck

Dom: i'm so angry right now

Julia: hwhy

Dom: because he's not allowed to hurt you julia!!

Julia: doesn't rveryone do it

Dom: of course not

Dom: you need to stay away from him

Julia: hoe can i stay away fron him

Julia: he's my boyfriend

Dom: but he hurts you!!

Julia: you sound mad

Dom: i am

Julia: why

Dom: ffs julia please make sure you're ok and you go to bed and drink enough tonight

Dom: i wanna talk about this tomorrow ok because it's impossible like this

Julia: are you gonba luesve me?

Dom: go drink some water and go to bed ok?

Dom: where are you now

Julia: outsidr the house

Julia: on thr driveway

Dom: go inside and ask your friend if she can take you to bed alright

Dom: please do it

Julia: i don't underdtand you

Dom: just do what i say yeah?

Julia: ok

Dom: be careful

Julia: you ginna leave me ? :(

Dom: please text me when you wake up

Julia: ok

Julia: you're cyte

Dom: take care please

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