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"is it really okay if i go with jae ?" doyoung asked. the rest nodded. "beside you told us that you want to buy paper right ?" wooyoung asked.

"oh yeah.. papers." said johnny.
"i actually forget about that, okay then." doyoung laughs.

both group parted. doyoung and jaehyun are now on their way.

"you're fine with them doing this in your house ?"jaehyun asked. "that's literally what me and johnny are worried about." doyoung laughs.

they arrived at the stationery store and buy some paper.

"you wanna eat first ?" jaehyun asked. doyoung sighed and pinched jaehyun's cheek.

"o-ouch," jaehyun groaned.
"you must think about others who waits, lets just eat later," said doyoung.
"okay okay, now let it go," jaehyun laughs.
"no," said doyoung.

jaehyun lean in to kiss doyoung and doyoung immediately let go.

"you dont like my kiss dont you ?" jaehyun asked.
"i never said that i dont like it," doyoung mumbles.
"hmm ?" jaehyun hummed. "nevermind,"

fuck that. jaehyun heard that very clear and he actually got very excited. he smiled and embraced doyoung.

"lets pay now," said jaehyun. doyoung just agree and head to the cashier.

they thanked the cashier and walked back to jae's car. jaehyun starts the engine and head to doyoung's place. 

they arrived and got greeted by their group who's already working almost half of the paper and johnny's group at the dining table.

"that's fast." doyoung laughs.
"yeah you must check it," said wooyoung. doyoung nodded and sit to do what he should do, followed by jaehyun.

"there's too many useless words," said jaehyun. doyoung raised his eyebrows. "wanna do the editing shit at the end ?"
"sure, what can i do by the way ?" jaehyun asked.

after 3 hours, they finished the paper. all it needs just a few checking and editing.

"im sorry i cant stay here long," said wooyoung as he stretches his hand. "seonghwa said that he'll be staying at my place."
"i see," said doyoung. "okay then, take care."

"imma leave when yiren finishes," said sihyeon. doyoung nodded.
"what about you two ?" doyoung asked.
"i'll go to lucas," said taeil.
"um .. probably going home. im tired," said ten.

"alright," doyoung stretched his hand. "we can do this in my room right ?" doyoung asked jaehyun. jaehyun nodded.

"but i'll take you guys back first," said doyoung.

after bidding a goodbye to taeil and ten he went to his room and start to check. jaehyun is walking around his room, observing every corner. definitely different from his.

"can i look around your room ?" jaehyun asked. "of course." doyoung replied.

he wandered around some shelves that is filled by books and a few figures. also some of his necessities. he lay next to doyoung who's checking some errors and some out of topics paragraphs.

jaehyun lay beside doyoung and see the latter work. he smirked and closed doyoung's eyes.

"jae, what are you doing ?" doyoung laughs. "i need to finish it so you can continue it and rest,"
"you need to rest now baby. your eyes looks tired," said jaehyun. "mm.. okayy," doyoung replied.

jaehyun opened doyoung's eyes but immediately pull him into a big hug. doyoung was surprised but hesitantly hugged back.

"why are you so clingy jae," doyoung asked. "i like this. a lot," said jaehyun. "especially your scent."

a few minutes passed and they both cuddled all that time. doyoung think that its enough, but not jaehyun.

"let me goo," said doyoung. "no," jaehyun laughs. "come on jae," doyoung pleaded. jaehyun didn't budge. doyoung rest his head in jaehyun's neck crook.

"please," said doyoung. warm breath trickles jaehyun's neck. his breath hitched and he opened his arms immediately.

"thanks,"doyoung replied.

that's kinda dangerous, jaehyun thought.

doyoung finished and hand the laptop to jaehyun. jaehyun sits and lean to the bed's headboard. doyoung sits next to jaehyun,curious to what will he do. yeah, he changes a lot of words and doyoung is satisfied with it.

it doesn't take long for them to finish. jaehyun hand the laptop back and doyoung do another check.

"i'll print it later," said doyoung. "my back hurts."

jaehyun lay on his back. "im tired," said jaehyun. doyoung smiled. he lay beside jaehyun and sighed. jaehyun looked at doyoung and again hugged him.

"your scent makes me high," said jaehyun. "so do yours," doyoung laughs.
"by the way, its not usual that you like this," said jaehyun. "umm.. i just feel bad you know, you always express yourself but i seem not doing anything, but i will be honest. i like this," said doyoung. jaehyun smiled and kissed doyoung. doyoung slowly close his eyes as their lips move in sync. a total sincere kiss. jaehyun pulled out and smiled.

"i love you so much oh god," jaehyun snuggles himself into doyoung's neck crook. doyoung laughs in awe. "why are you acting cutely jungs,"

"hugging you will be my favorite thing to do," said jaehyun. "but.."
"but ?" doyoung replied.
"i like kissing you more," jaehyun smiled. doyoung blushed and rest his head to jaehyun's chest.

"lets just sleep for a while," said doyoung. jaehyun agreed. he set aside the laptop and lay back next to doyoung and they fall asleep.

its only 866 words y'all. im kinda having a writer block. tbh i make sum story before this but i rewrite a new one bc the first one sucks. enjoy this soft scene anyway !

luv ya luvs ❤

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