Chapter 30: I Want a Baby

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Castiel immediately pulled his angel-brother into a hug, forgetting that he's now an angel himself. The two brothers stayed tightly wrapped in each other's arms for a few seconds before pulling back.

"Why didn't you make an appearance a while ago?! I thought you were dead!"

Gabriel shrugged, "I figured you'd hate me if I 'came back to life' for the hundredth time; and I had to make a candy run. But hey, I'm here now."

"Why are you here?" Dean asked, his arms crossed over his chest, pulling at the fabric of his black t-shirt.

Gabe grinned, "Oh come on, Dean-osaurus! You know exactly why!"

Dean let one hand fall to his side and the other to run through his short dirty-blonde hair. "I don't, Gabriel."

Castiel piped in "Gabe, why are you here? Why is Dean suppose to know?"

Gabriel let out a long sigh, "He prayed to whatever angel to help him. You were going all wacko and he needed help, so I came to assistance after he told me about Samsquatch."

Dean pulled Gabriel into another room, leaving Castiel and his daughter, Anna, at the long table. "What the hell are you doing?! He isn't suppose to know!"

"Is he also not suppose to know that you want kids?" Gabriel asked, his usual smug grin plastered on his face.

"What does that have to do with the price of tea in China?!"

"Tea in China, nothing. Having kids because angles can give birth, everything."

Dean took his hands off of Gabriel's shoulders. "He's a guy, he can't give birth."

Gabe rolled his eyes, "You are so stupid. Angels technically don't have a gender, therefore, Cassie can have a kid. It won't be like with women but he can still actually do most of the process. And since angel kids don't need food, he won't have to attempt breastfeeding because we both know he's stupid enough to try."

Dean couldn't help but laugh becuase, honestly, Cass would try and it would be hilarious. "How the hell would a kid just pop in there?"

Gabe smirked, "With the help of you and Lil' Dean."

Dean was just getting more confused. "But I've done it without"

"Oh my dad you're so retarded. You have to get Cassie to agree, so he's a long process for him."

"He won't agree, he's pissed off at me."

Gabriel huffed, "Have angry sex and make up."

"I can't-"

"Go talk to him, even if he punches you or attempts to kill you. I have to go talk to Samwich. Later, Deanie!" Gabriel was gone with a flap of his wings.

Dean sighed and walked back out the room. "Cass, can I talk to you?" He asked, his hands in his pocket and with a worried look.

Castiel huffed and turned away from the conversation he was having with his daughter and pushed past Dean, into the room he and Gabriel had just talked in.

"What, Dean?"

"I want a kid."

Castiel narrowed his eyes, "You want kids? Well that's cool, go adopt one and raise it."

Cass began walking away but Dean grabbed his shoulders and turned him around to face him. "No, I want to have a kid with you."

"Dean, I-"

"No, Cass, just listen. I don't care how much we fight, because we always make up. I love you, no matter what. I fuck up most out of the both of us so I'm gonna try to get better, and a kid would help with that. You can say no if you want, but I just want you to know that I really want one, with you."

Castiel sighed and rubbed his forehead. "A kid is not going to make everything okay."

"I know, I know, but I think it will help; and I just want to live the apple pie life with you. We can live in a house by a lake with a picket fence and have a dog and little feet running around us and we can live until we're old and...I just want everything better, I just want a family."

Castiel stayed silent, his arms crossed over his chest; Dean held his hand. "C'mon, Cass, think about it."

"Dean, by 'have kids' do you"

"Adopt one. The whole angel getting pregnant thing is crazy and I'm pretty sure Gabe was lying and a cranky you wouldn't be fun for nine months."

"Oh, oh alright. Okay, we can adopt one."

Dean engulfed Cass into a hug and kissed his neck repeatedly.


Gabriel walked into the sitting room, Sam was on the couch using his laptop.

"Watching porn again?"

Sam's head shot up "...Gabe? Gabe!" Sammy shot up from the couch, his laptop almost falling to the floor, and pulling Gabriel into a very tight and completely manly hug. "Oh my god I missed you!"

"I missed you too Samsquatch."

"I thought you were dead!"

Gabe smiled, "God and I have a complicated relationship, but it has its benefits."

"I missed you..." Sam mumbled.

Gabe laughed into Sam's shoulder, "I think you've gotten taller."

"Shut up, Gabe."

Gabriel smiled and squeezed Sam tighter.

"Sam, baby, where's your laptop?" Jessica asked, stepping into the room. Once she saw Sam and Gabriel hugging for a long period of time.

Sammy pulled away. "It's on the couch. Jess, this is Gabriel, Gabe, this is Jessica."

"Howdy! So you're this Jessica I heard about...nice to meet you. Samsquatch and I run a while back. We're BFF's!" Gabriel said, extended his hand which Jessica took, after giving Sam a questioning look.

"Nice to meet you too." Jess said, taking her hand away.

Gabriel turned back to Sam. "Sammy, we gotta talk."


"Dean, I get you want kids and all but how do you expect to tame them?"

Dean smiled and pulled Castiel closer on their bed. "Give them lollipops and candy and bribe them with whatever they want."

Cass laughed, "I'm not raising a spoiled brat."

"Hey! Don't insult our future kids!"

"You don't even know what they look like or their name. How are we going to tell Sam?"

"Like this," Dean cleared his throat, "'Sam, Dean and I are going to adopt a kid. Piss of giant, we are leaving!'" Dean yelled, trying his Castiel impression.

"You're so stupid."

"Thank you, I love you too baby."

So, Dean wants a baby. I decided what the hell, let's make it interesting.
Gabe meets Jessica = hell on earth.
Adios, pandas ♥ ♥ ♥

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