Chapter 5: Now Baby Has To Suffer With Me

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"Each of us?" Dean asked, still smiling.

Mary nodded and waved her and in front of Castiel, then beside Sam, then over Dean's arm.

"I feel...better." Castiel stammered on his words.

Dean rolled up his sleeve, the Mark of Cain gone. "Oh my's - it's gone."

Cass rubbed his thumb across Dean's underarm, a scar from the mark is the only thing visible. Dean stared at Cass, taking in all of his features. Castiel looked back up into Dean's eyes, getting lost. They didn't look away until they heard Sam sniffling.

Jessica was tightly wrapped in his arms, also crying.

"I missed you so much - so much." Sam whispered, his voice breaking.

Jess didn't say anything, only gripped on to him tighter than before. Dean went to join the hug, he only ever met Jessica once but he knew how important she is to his brother. Castiel awkwardly stood away from the three, itching his arm.

The three broke apart and Sam wiped his eyes. "We're leaving, leaving this life. I'm not take - taking any risks."

Jessica nodded and kissed Sam, obviously cherishing it. Dean smiled, seeing the happiness between everyone. Cass was about to say something before Dean grabbed his face.

"Are you alright? Please tell me you're alright. Do you need anything? I can-" Dean rushed his words.

Castiel pulled Dean's hands from his face. "I'm perfect."

"Yes you are, but how are you feeling?"

Castiel chuckled, Dean found his deep voice and laugh mixed perfectly. "I meant I am feeling perfect, Dean."

"Oh, um...that's awkward then. Are you sure?"

Castiel nodded, taking Dean's hand and intertwining their fingers again. Dean's mouth quirked into a small smile.

Jessica started speaking, breaking the two men's stares. "Let's celebrate!"

"How?" asked Sam, grinning.

"We can go out, just somewhere. I want to do something, with you, the three of us." Jessica turned, she could only see Dean.

"Four." Sam added, pointing to Dean.

Jessica moved their intertwined hands back and forth. "Four?"

Jess looked back at Dean, only seeing a gray shirt moving into the room beside them and the door closing. Sam raised a questioning eyebrow and knocked on the door.


Dean gently pushed Cass up against the wall. "So now that you're not dying, you can kiss me back."

"I could if I wanted to."

Dean smirked, "Don't you want to?"

"No, not at all. I'd rather go out there and meet Jessica."

Dean kissed Castiel's jaw, "Can't
she wait a minute?"

"Dean, you're not saying that after she came back from the dead; you can wait a minute."

"Cassssss, don't make me wait!" Dean whined.

Castiel rolled his eyes and tried pushing Dean off. "I have other things to do, Dean."

"Just one kiss?" Dean asked, displaying his best puppy-dog-eyes.

Castiel looked away, afraid of giving in. "No."

Dean pinned Castiel's arms above his head. "Just a little one? One kiss and I'll leave you alone, I promise." Dean said, acting like a child.

"Please Dean, Sam and Jessica are waiting for us. I do not want them to think there is something between us."

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