Chapter 2: Heya Sammy

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Dean slowly entered through the bunkers doors, turning around to make sure he locked it. He hadn't realized he missed this place so much until he looked around. Nothing much had changed, only a moved chair.

Dean quietly jogged up the stairs to his bedroom, damn did he missed it. Not a single gun or knife had been moved from its place on the wall. His bed hadn't been touched; he still has an old glass of water sitting on his bedside table. It's warm in the room but not hot or too cold, just perfect, making him all the more tired from his long drive.

Once stripped to only boxers and somewhat unpacked, Dean got under his soft blankets and comfortable bed and drifted off to sleep.


Sam woke up to the smell of bacon, he hadn't smelt that in weeks. The last time he even ate it was when Dean had cooked it...Dean.

Sam ripped off his blankets and ran into the kitchen. Dean was standing there moving the bacon in the pan with a his boxers. At this point, Sam didn't give it another thought, he tackled Dean in a hug.

"Heya Sammy."

Sam smiled against Dean's shoulder. "Where the hell have you been?"

Dean untangled himself from Sam's long arms.

"I was with Crowley, we did some karaoke at a motel and banged chicks. It was fun."

Sam moved away from Dean.

"Fun? I was calling you, twice a day; I left messages every day. I have been tracking you, asking around to find you. I had done everything to find you, not having the littlest bit of success. Yet here you are, telling me you had fun with Crowley doing threesomes."

Dean put the bacon on a plate and rolled his eyes. "Oh my god no, I don't ever want to see Crowley's-"

"You better have a good excuse for ditching and not telling why. All I get is a note. Cass got nothing."

Dean sighed, "I had some business with Crowley, okay? I couldn't just tell you guys." Sam flexed his jaw. "Why don't we just focus on the fact that I'm finally here and I made you breakfast since you look like you could use some food."

"I haven't exactly had time to do much."

Dean smirked, "Who's the girl?"

"Cass is 'the girl'. The man is dying and it's hard to keep up with him and myself."

Dean looked down at the floor and spoke almost to a whisper, "Oh..."

"Feeling guilty?"

"Um, I guess so. How bad is he?"

Sam sat down and grabbed a piece of bacon. "He's got a week at the most."

"A week?" Dean's voice cracked, he couldn't show emotion, he wouldn't allow it.

"Mhm, he really wished you were there for the past six weeks. You're his best friend...and you were gone. It didn't encourage him the littlest bit more to even try fighting death."

Dean furrowed his brow, "Oh...uh, I'm sorry. Where's the little man?"

Sam pointed down the hallway, "Bedroom beside mine, I figured I have to stay close for just in case. He's still sleeping, thank god. I've been up and out all night long."


Sam filled a glass of water. Dean sat down across from Sam.

"He has this nightmare; Cass says that it feels real but that it won't ever come true since he's in it and he'll be dead 'before it could ever happen' and shit. I guess it's pretty scary, he always wakes up screaming and thrashing."

Dean's eyes widened, "Wow."

"He can hit hard for a sick guy too."

Dean chuckled, "Just imagine it being that way when he's not sick. You'd be across the other side of the bunker." Sam smiled, "Speaking of which, I'll watch him for the next three days while you go and work out. I think I can say I'm bigger than you, in more than one way." Dean winked saying the last part, Sam rolled his eyes and continued washing his plate.

"Do you think he'll bitch out on me?" asked Dean, worry hinting in his voice.

Sam shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know, probably."

Dean sighed and leaned back into the hard wooden chair, "Yay, I'm so looking forward to it."

Sam laughed and dried his plate, wondering how Castiel will actually react.


You can't even fight. You are always in the way, never of any help.

What good is an angel if it's dying?

I don't need you, I don't even want you.

Dean's voice rang through Castiel's head until he dug the first blade into his chest and all went black, every thought stopping, his lungs ceased breathing, and his heart didn't beat. He could at least please Dean this way, dead.

Castiel doesn't know it, but he's screaming and thrashing, still asleep.


Sam is sitting in a chair, tying his sneakers to go for a run. Dean is half in his bedroom and hallway zipping up his jeans.


Winchester walked down the hallway to Sam, stopping in front of the table.

"What?" asked Dean.

Sam raised an eyebrow, "I didn't say anything."


"Dean!" The yell turned into a scream. Sam sighed and banged his forehead against the table.

Dean had his mouth open, about to say something but didn't know what to say. Once he finally figured it out, Sam had stood up.

"I'm guessing that's-" Castiel screamed again, "...Cass so I'll go check up on him. You can go and run in your hideous shorts."

Sam chuckled and nodded. Dean waited until he was out the door to run into Castiel's room to find him on the floor.

Cass is whimpering and curled up into a ball murmuring "Dean..."

Dean took Castiel in his lap and pulled him close, not caring how awkward it must look.

"Shhhh...I'm right here."

Cass' breathing came in short, quick breaths. Dean placed his hand on Castiel's cheek and dug his face into Castiel's hair.

"I'm here..."

Cass calmed down, still breathing awkwardly, shaking, and sweat covering him. Even Dean is terrified, what kind of nightmare could do this?


Dean kissed his hair, "Shhh..."

Castiel fell back asleep on Dean's lap. Winchester knew he was out when he started softly snoring; he smiled to himself and laid Castiel down. Cass had his shirt balled up into his fist; Dean, not wanting to wake him up, decided to lay with him instead, rather close.

Soon enough, he was out too, still laying on the bed beside Castiel who didn't wake up once.


Sam came back to the bunker after a two hour run. The bunker is weirdly quiet so he checked Dean's room, not finding him there he checked the bathroom, then Castiel's room. Dean is curled up with a quietly snoring Castiel on his bed. Sam smiled to himself and closed the door.

***I love Deanmon but hate it. I don't like Dean hooking up with chicks. CASTIEL IS DEAN'S ONE AND ONLY, EVEN IF THEY WON'T ADMIT IT. Wow, this chapter is short. Well, it is 3:13 in the morning so...adios, I'm tired. Xoxo!***

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