Chapter 29: Hey Kiddo

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Anna was forced to sit down and tell Cass every single detail about this Micah dude. Dean tried not to listen in, but hell, why not.

Micah's six foot one, brown hair, "muscle sex god", intelligent, and also a hunter. He's a senior in a school close to Lawrence, he use to live in Wichita. Dean was impressed by her much longer description but Cass, not so much.

"No, he sounds like an assbutt" Castiel said, his arms crossed over his chest which made his shirt tighten around his abs.

"Daaaadddd" Anna whined, subconsciously rubbing her giant stomach.

"No, and that's final. He's not going to be in the delivery room, he's not gonna touch her, I won't allow it."

Dean finally piped up, "Cass-"

Castiel quickly turned to his boyfriend, "Don't 'Cass' me, you have no reason to butt in on this, she isn't even your fucking daughter."

Dean huffed and stood up, about to just walk away until he turned back around and placed his hands on Castiel's shoulders, making sure to squeeze enough so that little pain is felt. "She's pregnant, the baby is going to need a father someday. You won't always be there considering how you're dying right now. If you really care about your daughter than let her date Micah, he seems like an alright guy anyway. She isn't gonna get better with the life she's been forced into. I get that you want to keep her safe but another hunter around to protect her isn't going to hurt, it'll be a huge benefit."

Cass pursed his lips and shoved Dean's hands off of him. "No, Dean, you don't understand! You are not a father, you don't know what it's like to let something you really care about go!"

"I'm gonna have to let you go pretty soon because you're so fucking stubborn that you won't steal another angel's grace! I do know what it's like! I let Jo, Ellen, Ash, Bobby, Kevin, Mom, Dad, Gabriel, and I was starting to like the little guy, Lisa, Ben and a whole shit ton more of people go! Don't tell me I don't know what it's like!" Dean yelled, letting his anger fill his voice to the brim.

"Oh there's Lisa again, thought I'd hear about her soon enough!"

Anna sat there awkwardly, scared to jump in and stop the war now taking place. You could practically feel the tension bouncing off of the walls in the huge bunker, all of it coming from Dean and Castiel. Dean let out a huff, "What do you want me to say?! You keep running away from me! So what if I'm not always up for sex! I'm getting older and quite frankly, this job of mine takes more energy than anything! Yes, Cass, I desperately want to have sex but I'm just not physically up for it!"

Castiel let his hands lazily fall to his side. "Why didn't you just tell me that? I would have stopped asking, I wouldn't have thought that you're going straight again. I wouldn't have gone to that bar."

"It's embarrassing, Cass. What was I suppose to say? I can't seem to get stiff? I already feel stupid, I don't want to make it worse."

Anna stood up, clutching her stomach like she was about to throw up. "I really didn't want to know about you're erectile disfunction, Dean. I'll go puke up the baby and he past weeks food now."

"I already got checked out for that I'm good up that street," Dean winked and turned back to Cass. "I don't know what's wrong, okay? I don't know if some angel is punishing me for being a rainbow-puking circle or what."

"So basically I can't turn you on?"

Dean shrugged, "I don't know, you haven't ever really tried since last time, you always asked."

Anna hit realization from Deans long speech minutes before, "YOU'RE DYING?!"

Castiel winced at her loud yell. "Yes, I am. Don't worry about it. I was bound to go someday anyway, can't be here forever, even if I wanted to. Mary can't help either, her 'blessing' only lasted a couple months, and I don't want to keep calling her over and over until everybody I care about it finally gone. She doesn't deserve that and quite frankly, I'm not even suppose to be here. Just setting the course back on track, you know?"

"YOU ARE NOT LEAVING ME!" Anna yelled, pulling her dad into a tight hug, or as tight as she could make it with a giant stomach holding a giant baby girl.

"I have to."

Dean shook his head, "No, if you steal an angel's grace you'll live. I know you don't like the idea of it but we all need you here. I'm sure coughing up blood to the death isn't fun or the way you'd want to go."

"I don't want to-"

"Do you want me to kill myself after you go? Because I damn will, I'm not leaving you and you're not leaving me. I promised forever."

"It's not-"

A form suddenly appeared and tackled Cass to the ground, shoving a white-blue light down his throat. Dean knew what it was and he thanked God for his prayers being answered. Looks like Cass doesn't have to go steal and angel's grace, somebody, whoever it is tackling him, already did that part for him.

Castiel was shocked and choked at first. The person got off of him, not showing his face, and extended his hand for Cass to take.

"Hey kiddo."

***DUN DUNN DUNNNNN! Everybody knows who it is! I couldn't bear the thought of 'em dead, I just had to! Hope you're happy!***

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