Chapter 18: I'm Sorry

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Castiel and Anna found a motel near the bunker, but they stayed inside in order to stay under cover. A whole month and suddenly Castiel is a father figure. If you told him that would happen a month ago, he wouldn't have believed you.

Anna came out of the shower dressed with makeup on, her hair still wet. Castiel walked past her to the bathroom, kissing her head.

"It smells like perfume!"

"I'm a girl, I'm gonna wear deodorant! You can borrow it if you want." Anna said, smirking with the deodorant in her hand.

"I have my own manly stuff." Castiel mumbled, taking out a tooth brush. His phone started ringing but Anna yelled she would get it.

"Dad, it's for you. Some guy named Sam."

"Hang up!" Castiel whispered, spitting his toothpaste out.



"It's urgent!"

"Everything is urgent to him!"

"Grab the damn phone!" Anna said, Castiel stoke out his tongue and put the phone to his ear.

"Hello Sam."

"Cass..." Sam choked out.

Castiel rolled his eyes, "What's so urgent?"

"Would you...uh...want to meet somewhere if you're in town?"

Castiel took a minute to answer.

"Cass?" Sam said, not knowing if he hung up.

"I'm in town. But I don't want to meet."

"Cass, please. It will only be me and Jess, I swear. I haven't talked to Dean for the past month, I barley even look at him. He won't be there, I promise."


"Pleeeeeaassseee?" Jessica whined. Castiel could picture Sam's puppy eyes.

"Fine, where?"

"We'll meet you. Text us where you are whenever you want, and we'll be there."

Cass sighed, "Okay, I'll text you in a bit."

"Okay, thank you." Sam said, hanging up. Castiel groaned and threw his phone at the floor.

Anna smiled, "So, where are we meeting them?"

"How do you-"

"I put the phone on speaker before I handed it to you, I knew you wouldn't notice."

"Bitch." Castiel mumbled, kissing her forehead.

"I love you too." Anna grinned, grabbing her coat and slipping it on.

They walked to a diner, last thing they need is to be put in jail for stealing a car.

The diner is nice, Castiel recognized it from the many times he came with the Winchesters. Only a tear fell, which Anna, of coarse, noticed and wiped it away. She picked a booth in the back, not wanting to risk getting seen by unwanted people.

Daddy, 8:36

I'm at the diner we use to go to.

SW, 8:37

Kay, we'll be there in ten. Nice contact name by the way(;

Daddy, 8:38

I don't know how to change it.

SW, 8:38

I'll show you when I'm there.

Castiel tucked his phone away. Anna excused herself to use the bathroom. Sam and Jessica arrived while she was gone.

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