Chapter 16: It Hurts So Bad

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Castiel had all of his bags packed. There is no way he is going to look at Dean and want to stay, he won't let himself.

His arm stings from last night, but at least Dean will always be a regretful memory.

Sam didn't interrupt when Castiel started telling him why he's leaving. And hopefully, he understands.

"'re leaving?" Sam choked out.

Castiel nodded, "I don't want to have any other problems. I'll just leave him. Maybe he'll regret everything, but I'm sure he'll be happy more than anything and go for round two."

"No, Cass. Dean isn't like that." Sam said, a single tear fell.

Castiel shook his head, fighting tears himself. "Then what is he like? Did I just imagine all of that sick shit? I know what I saw and I know what I'm doing."

"You can't leave, you'll get hurt, you'll hurt Dean."

"I don't care, he hurt me on more than one occasion. He can't expect me to stay after all of that."

"It's just Lisa."

Castiel couldn't hold it back, he started crying. "Yeah, Lisa, the Lisa that Dean had liked ever since that 'one night stand'! The one that Dean kept going back to! Then one that was in his room getting fucked by Dean. Her Dean."

Sam wiped his cheek, "No, he's your Dean."

"I wish I could say the same, Sam. But...I-I just can't. To know that he lied to me like hurts. It hurts so bad." Castiel supported himself with his hands on the table, starring at it like an answer will be scratched on to its surface.

"Dean lies, just like every other human."

"Dean isn't a human! He's a demon and he treated me just like every other demon would! I was his bitch, and I figured it out only when I was replaced! I don't want to be with him! I'm done getting hurt!" Castiel stormed through the bunkers doors, knowing he'll miss it but not the people inside it, maybe Sam and Jess. But that feeling didn't make him want to turn back and run into Dean's arms. It only made him walk faster.


After six days of walking and hitching rides, Castiel made it to Maine. He liked it here, with all of the trees and woods, it's peaceful.

He kept walking down random roads, not really caring where it led him. He thought about dumping his phone when he was in Massachusetts, he was only receiving calls from Sam and Jessica anyway. Not even a text from Dean.

A black van, a nice 2013 Chevrolet, pulled up beside him. A girl in her early teens was grinning, a man in the drivers seat.

"Sir, would you like a ride?"

Cass turned to face the smiling man, he has stubble and looks to be fifty at the most. The teenage girl is still smiling, her white teeth showing. She looked beautiful, to say the least.

Castiel shook his head, "No, I have no where to go to need a ride to get to."

The girls eyes fell along with her smile, "Oh, you could stay with us! I mean, if you want."

"I couldn't do that."

"Why not?" She asked, her lips forming a frown.

"I would feel terrible."

"Oh come on, you need a place to stay! I swear we're not rapists!" She said, he smile growing as Castiel walked towards the van. Once he was in, he was bombarded with questions.

"So, what's your name? Mines Anna and this is my Dad, Samuel." Castiel smiled, thinking of his sister.

For some odd reason, he felt safe around these people, like he could be honest. "Castiel, Castiel Novak."

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