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I guess I'm gonna do one of these every twenty chapters, I don't know, I hate author's notes myself but I feel like I just need to talk to you, very few, people.


I'd like to say thank you for 300+ reads! It means a lot, considering how terrible of a writer I am. I swear, Lost Grace...I hate it, I wrote kinda good at first but then it all went down hill. People say that they like it but I just don't. I'm feeling (more) confident with my writing in this one, I haven't gone off track...yet. I should mention that Anna will no longer be fourteen but sixteen going on seventeen (Omg, does anybody recognize "I am sixteen, going on seventeen"? Or am I really that old fashioned?). It'll go along with my plan. I said I won't make anybody die but...I don't know, there's always the possibility that I'll change my mind. But um...well, I hope you guys have liked it so far. I do appreciate your opinion so please do leave it! Love you my dearest pandas! 

Update tonight, I promise. I'm actually going to start working on that right now...

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