Chapter 28: Boyfriend?

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Castiel woke up alone and cold, freezing actually. It looked to be nighttime, and he was right, looking at the clock that read 11:58.

He shuffled out of his bed, covers falling from his clothed, cold body and his feet freezing from the hardwood floors. Cass checked up on his sleeping daughter and smiled, then trudging down stairs to grab a water for his awfully sore throat. Filling a glass up and gulping half of it down, he sighed and took a seat at the long table to think.

Cass didn't really remember anything except going to a bar and a guy asking if he could buy him a drink. Then everything after that is a blur, an image of the Impala with someone driving it but nothing more. After a couple minutes of thinking, Castiel settled on he was drunk.

"How you feeling?" Dean asked, massaging Castiel's shoulders. Cass jumped at the very sudden touch but went along with it until the past mornings events played through his head.

"Don't touch me..." He mumbled, Dean's hands stopped moving and Winchester letting out a sigh.

"Look, Cass, I didn't mean you were too prideful-"

"You know what Dean, I don't give a fuck at what you have to say right now."

Dean let his hands fall to his side, Castiel whimpering at the loss of touch even though he forced it to stop. "I get it, okay? You're mad that I'm a dick, I can't control my mouth and I screw things up. I just want to try getting along. We had a happy relationship a couple months ago, why can't we have that again?"

Castiel stayed silent, not wanting to let Dean think he's got the upper hand.

"What were you doin' at that bar anyway?" Dean asked, trying to break the extremely uncomfortable silence.

"I was really horny." Cass blurted out, shifting his feet.

"So you went to a bar? To...hook up with someone? Is this suppose to be pay back or something?"

Castiel sighed and turned to look at Dean. "No, it's not pay back. I was really wanting sex to calm myself but you didn't want to, considering how you denied me seven times. I went to a bar so I could get a drink, maybe get someone if I was lucky enough."

"So you tried cheating on me?" Dean asked, hurt filling his voice.

"Yes, I guess I did. Seeing you look at those fucking porn magazines made me even madder so I figured why not go and have my own fun?" Cass' words dripped with bitterness.

Dean pursed his lips, not being able to find words.

"Oh so you care? I thought that maybe you'd call Lisa up again."

Dean turned away from Castiel "Shut up."

"I knew it" Cass sighed and leaned back, "you still don't care."

"Shut the fuck up, Cass!" Dean yelled, balling his fist until his knuckles turned white. Castiel's phone started ringing so he picked it up.

"Hey, Taylor. What's up? No, he's here, why? It's not a very good day to drop by...because somebody's mad. Yes, you know how he is when he's pissed off. Yeah, Sam's here with Jessica...yes, they're still together. Why are you so concerned about their relationship? Please don't stop by...because I don't want you to! Dean's in a shitty mood and I am too so please just don't. Yes, it is because of me. Like usual, of thanks, make my day better. No I don't know! Anna's fine, due any day now. You what! On Sam?! Why didn't you tell me earlier?! He has a girlfriend. No I won't help you with that. Find an angel and eye fuck for Lucifer's sake."

Dean groaned and sat down at the table, not near Cass but close enough to hear Taylor's loud voice.

"How are you and Dean?" She asked.

Castiel rolled his eyes "Just peachy. Fighting all the time, getting denied, cheating, lying, it's all good."

"Think you'll last any longer?" Taylor asked, her frown could almost be heard.

"I don't know honestly. One day it's all good and there's shower sex and the next I'm denied seven times. So really, probably not. I mean, there's always that psycho bitch from last time."

"Last time?"

Castiel smiled "You were there, right? When I left for a couple months and came back with Anna and she got pregnant?"

"You fucked your own daughter?!" Taylor yelled into the phone.

Cass chuckled "No, she did this one night stand and it went horribly wrong."

"Ah, she must know you're hate for them."

"Well, after walking in on as many as I have, you'd hate them too. Anyway, how's heaven?"

"How are you?" Taylor asked.

"I'm fine but heaven?"

"Oh,'s good, alright. I guess the demons are sorta under control right now."

"You don't sound very confident."

"Yeah, I'm not...Cassie, we all need you. It's chaos up there, the Angels need you as our leader, otherwise something worse than last time can happen again."

Cass sighed, "I know, but my angel days are over. I got to go, Taylor, I...I promised Anna I'd...take her shopping for the baby."

"Mhm, don't let Dean punch you, Lord knows that'll leave a mark. And when your angry sex starts, remember condoms!" She hung up with a devious giggle at the end. Castiel kept his mouth firmly shut and put his phone back on the table. His whole happy attitude went to pissed off at everything.

"Dad, you know how the baby is due in a week, and I thought that maybe I could have Micah come in and-"

Castiel turned to his daughter "Who the hell is Micah?!"

"My um...boyfriend?"

***Its short but I have to leave and I wanted to leave something so here you go! I might change Micah's name, something more angel-y! Give me ideas, it'll be much appreciated!***

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