Chapter 1: Nightmares

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This is a boy x boy (gay, if you don't know what that means) fanfiction. If you don't like such things, then don't read. Please don't comment rude things, I know I'm not very good a writing but still. I'm not the best at grammar so you'll have to deal with grammar mistakes, I do go through and double edit it though. I swear it will get better, first chapters are the thing that draws you in and mine isn't terrific but it goes along with the next couple of chapters. I'll be warning you whenever a sex scene comes in, just for those people who don't like that sort of thing. I promise that I won't be as mean as the Twist and Shout (best damn Destiel fanfiction, I cried so much) writer, nobody will die.


Dean awoke drenched in sweat and breathing heavily. The nightmare continues but more realistic each time. Dean is alone in a cheap, shit condition motel, but he's use to it by now, especially since it's all he's ever really "lived" in.

There's no chick beside him, surprisingly, that'd be the first night since the past month or so that he's woken up alone.

Sam had called, again, and left a message...again. Dean wrapped his sweaty hands around his phone and pressed it against his ear.

"Hey Dean, please answer my calls. It's been six weeks; I haven't heard from you since and...and, if you care, Cass is dying. His grace is almost gone and his vessel is too weak. I'd like to think that you'd come to see him and say goodbye before he's gone...for good, but I don't think you would. Anyway, um, keep having fun with Crowley I guess."

Dean thought about calling back for the first time in six weeks. Crowley left him for a couple days to take care of some business in hell, he figured Dean could take care of himself for that long.

Maybe he'd can't hurt anything.


Sam sat in the same chair that he had for most of the night. He had gotten up once to grab some Ibuprofen for his headache.

Beside him on a bed lay a sleeping, sick angel. Castiel had shown up with another angel, Sam didn't catch her name, it was Anna or Hannah...something...but she said that she brought Cass to Sam because he would know how to deal with human problems unlike she could.

"Dean...please don't - no!" Castiel's eyes shot open. Sam sighed and turned his head to look at the sweaty angel.

"What's the dream about?" asked Sam, handing Castiel a glass of somewhat cold water; it was gulped down in a matter of seconds.


"Yeah, your dream. It's like a movie playing through your head while you're sleeping."

Castiel's expression softened. "Oh, it was about every nightmare."


Castiel broke into a coughing fit, once he thought it was over he spoke but it resulted in more coughing.

"Dean had become an evil angel, half demon half angel, like Lucifer but much worse and more powerful. He had killed every angel except me, he was about to though. Crowley was beside him, not helping but standing there watching as Dean killed hundreds. He would flash his black eyes at me and continue digging the first blade into whatever was in his way. Dean eventually killed me too but then I wake up."

Sam looked away and softly spoke, close to a whisper. "You don't think that's a vision, do you?"

Castiel shook his head, then coughed more.

"No, I won't be a angel by next week, if I'm still alive by then."

"Don't talk like that Cass. You'll live, I'll find a way."

Castiel gave Sam his best smile, "I didn't mean to come here, I wanted to stay away so I could die alone and not cause you any type of...sadness."

"Cass, I'm glad that angel brought you here. I've been looking for you for awhile but I couldn't find you. I can help you with this, you should have come earlier."

Castiel sneezed, "Sorry, I did not expect that one."

Sam chuckled, "It's alright, I'd prefer it over your coughing. It always sounds like it hurts really bad."

"It does but there is nothing I can do."

The room stayed silent, but it was a comfortable silence. That is until Sam spoke up.

"Do you think Dean will ever come back...before you die?"

Castiel rested his head against the headboard.


Sam furrowed his eyebrows, "Why not?"

"He does not care. He doesn't care about me more specifically. Dean at least left you a note, I got nothing. One day he is here the next he's gone, not even telling me. Dean won't come back until after I'm dead. He is too busy getting drunk with Crowley to even give a thought about me. A demon won't care if an angel is dying. Dean doesn't even care that he's a demon. Truth is, he won't fight it, he's happy with what he is, and he doesn't want to change."


Dean has his bag packed and the Impala started. He decided two days would be long enough, not a day longer. After all, with what Sam is telling him, Cass might not even last the next two days.

What's bothering Dean is that Cass is dying; his long term best friend, his savior, his partner in crime, is dying fast. To make it worse, he ditched him to be with Crowley who hasn't done Dean any good. But Castiel...he pulled his sorry ass out of hell, he was there when Sam left. Cass was always there...yet here Dean is, not there for Cass like he always is for Dean.

Three days...only three.

***So, first thoughts? I might do a sequel to Angel, no idea, I need your opinions on that too. I know that this one is similar in some ways but I tried doing high-school, college, every other fucking idea but I never turn out liking it. I had so many things that I wanted to change with Angel so I'm doing a much more organized, plotted, edited, version of the way I wanted it to go. I don't know...I'll continue if at least one person likes it. Oh, I'll do a s4s kinda thing on my IG (@mishas._.wormstache) with fanfics if you want. Just comment your IG name, the fanfics title, I'll read, vote for each chapter, and of course, give you your shout out. My IG (from the last time I checked, that was in late September since I'm typing this while grounded from wifi) has 1,286 followers so people should notice it. Anyway, this A/N is getting really long and I hate long A/Ns so I'm ending it! Xoxo!***

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