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Chapter 19

I stare down at the five words on my screen.

keep safe and look out

The words replay in my head. Over and over again. Who is this person. It's bot my mum. I have her number saved in my contacts.

"Keep safe and look out?" I question to myself squinting my eyes in confusion.

"What is it Zali?" Harry asks. My eyes leave the phone screen and slowly travel up to meet Harry's.

"Keep safe and look out?" I repeat to myself.

"What's going on?" Harry asks me again.

I stare back down at my phone reading the text message again.

"I don't know Harry," I shake my head. It's defiantly not my mum. But the creepiest thing is that, that is exactly the same as the email from my mum.

"It's ok, don't worry. Let's just go for a walk then shall we?"

"I'm worrying." Harry says looking me in the eyes before beginning to walk down the driveway and onto the street.

"Why do you hide so much?" Harry questions looking straight ahead down the road.

"Well, what do you mean Harry?" I ask taking a few quick steps to keep up to Harrys long strides.

"What I mean is," he stops right on the spot turning to face me looking me right in the eye. I hate it when people do that when asking you a question. They just look at you wanting you to tell the truth when they can seem to know it by looking into your eyes to see all of your thoughts and secrets. It's a very uncomfortable and awkward feeling.

"What I mean is you always hide things. You always avoid certain topics and come on who are you kidding, some upset you and I'm just curious and I'm just worried about you." He blurts it all out.

"Oh." Was all I could say.

"Come on it's alright, you can trust me. I won't judge." He takes my hand starting to walk again.


"Well I already judged you when you ran into a door so..."

I slap his arm, "Hey, don't bring that day back. What a way to ruin a nice moment."

He chuckles, "sorry I couldn't help myself."

"Thats ok." I grin.

"Back to my question." Harry says.

"Oh yeah..."

"See! You're doing it again." Harry points at me. "Your avoiding it." He sticks his head up pointing his nose to the sky.

"It's hard to explain."

Harry and I cross the street walking onto a path leading into what seemed like a park. Cute little street lights lining along the side of the path.

"This is so beautiful." I gaze around at the park. It truly was.

"Just like you." I hear a quiet mutter.
I smile down at the ground a blush creeping onto my cheeks.

"So about your question." I start.


"Well I may as well just tell you the whole story because it all leads to everything else."

"Ok just say what you want to say."

"Alright, well. I'll try to remember everything you've ever asked me." I take a deep breath trying to remember back to what Harry has asked me.

"Well no, I didn't like my last school. There was this one girl, Phoebe. She was my best friend. Or so I thought. I didn't really tell her much about me though. Like I am with you, I guess. Yeah well one day, I spilt and I told her everything. And we ended up having a massive fight and she used every single thing I told her against me. She turned into miss popular and the whole school knew everything about me. She used to remind me every day how much she hated me and how she wanted me to kill myself every day."

I look over at Harry tears in his eyes.
"Harry why are you crying?" My hand reaches up to his face holding his cheek.

"Don't listen to her." He whispers. I sigh and trace my thumb under his eyes.

"Too late." I whisper not really talking to him but to myself.

"I would never do that to you Zali, never. Is that why you were afraid to tell me."

I look up into his green eyes, my head moving up and down slightly.

"Hmm and another question you asked... Oh yes. Why I cane to England."

Harry nods his head holding tightly onto my hand.

"Ok, my mum wanted me to come here."

"Mmm" Harry lets me know he's listening.

"My dad. He would always come home drunk. Always. He was abusive." Now I was the one tearing up. Harry leads me over to a bench and we take a seat and he wraps his long arms around me.
"He was abusive." I sniffle repeating my last statement, "physically and verbally. He would hurt my mum. And me. Dislocated shoulders, broken wrists, broken arms, fingers, ankles, toes, jaw, nose, collar bones." I list them all off.

"Hospital was where I spent a lot of time. Always making up excuses for my injuries. And so would my mum. When I wasn't in hospital I was visiting mum or at school. I missed out on so much school. Good and bad at the same time.

My mum was scared to tell anyone about it. He would just threaten her that if she told anyone it would be even worse. Not that it could of been worse.

And one night he came home drunk off his head and there was screaming and yelling. Then I heard a car leave and crying from the hall.

He hurt my mum and left. Mum said he wouldn't come back and he hasn't. Next day, mum was ok she was on the phone to Chelsea and next thing I knew I was getting a whole speech about England and how she was talking to Chels. But I hated England then. But then I was told I was going to live in England for a while with Chelsea and a I was leaving that Friday."

"I'm so sorry Zali." Harry sobs he hugs me tears leaking from his eyes. I start to cry as well now.

"Stop crying Harry!" I try to wipe his face, "you're making me cry."

"It's ok you can cry. You've been through to much shit."

I giggle and cry at the same time. Don't even know what my emotion is at the moment.

"That's when I met Alice and Pippa!" I exclaim.

"Ohhh that makes sense now."

"Yes!" I laugh, "It feels good to get things off your chest you know?"

"I'm sure it would. One more question you missed."

"Yeah which one?" I ask laying my head down on his shoulder.

"Do you have any siblings?"
Fuck I'm going to cry again. But I don't think I have any more tears left for me to cry out.

"Oh yeah. Well this one relates to everything nearly. Well before my dad was an alcoholic and I had a little sister..."

Too much info in one chapter, opps.
So many secrets and stories to tell.

Also new book is coming soon, I love you to death. I'm kinda excited you should check it out now though, got a bit about it published.

And yes Zali has a sister :0 , well had.


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