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Chapter 26

"Okay, well how long will she be?" I ask more quieter to the nurse standing across from me.

"I'm not exactly sure honey I'm really sorry, but I'm sure it won't be too much longer they've been in for a little while now." She sighs looking up at the clock and returning her gaze onto me.

My throat is dry and I can't find the strength to say another word to this nurse or anybody really.

I just nod slowly and give her a thankful smile but as soon as she turns to leave the smile drops and my worry and scared expressions showing back on my face immediately.

I feel so tired and I can't help but just stumble towards Harry and collapse into his strong arms.

Harry's pov

I stroke her hair as she rests in my arms as I sit on the large hospital chair just outside the room. I smile slightly as her steady breathing is the only noise I can focus on. Her eyes are closed and her hand is resting on my chest. I feel like my whole world is in my arms. And it is. I haven't known Zali for that long really, but I've already fallen for her. Whether she was expecting it to happen or not...it did.

In the time that I've known Zali I've learned only a little bit about her. Small pieces here and there coming together to complete the full image. She's bit lime anybody I've ever met before and she is really something special. I knew it from the start. She is so strong yet so broken at the same time and I admire how she can still go by her day with laughter and a smile with so much hurt in her heart. She's cautious if what she does because she's afraid if falling back down again and I know she's been through so much and she may not be able to handle any more of it. But I am willing to stay by her side for a very long time to gold her hand as she walks and to catch her before she hits the ground when she falls. I would do it my whole life just to know that she won't ever hit the ground again. She confuses me sometimes with her feelings but I'm always sure there must be an untold story for her to be that way. I always feel so bad for her remembering what's happened to her in the past but I can not do anything about it. I can only help her in the future ahead.

Hours ticked by and the sun has set and it's getting cold.

About half an hour ago Zali made phone calls and apparently called the police and was speaking with them for quite a while.

Zali hadn't really told me much but she mentioned seeing her dad and what he did. I kind of zoned out because I was so shocked. And he was the one who abused her all of those years. All I wanted to do was to smash my fist into his face for hurting her but I couldn't really do that right now. But it still didn't make me less angry.

We've still heard nothing from the nurses or doctors in regard to Zali's mum and it has been a while now.

Chelsea arrived not to long ago and was relieved finding Zali safe but terrified hearing that her sister was in surgery right now. We all sat in chair across the room no words escaping anyones mouth. I felt really bad for both of them but I had no idea if anything I could possibly do would help anyone in any way. I've never been in this position before.

"You can leave if you would like Harry, you really don't have to stay." Zali quietly spoke up.

I shook my head and grabbed onto her hand, "I'm staying with you, I want to be here for you."

She smiled weakly and rested her head on my shoulders.

"You two are adorable." Chelsea lightly laughs lightening the mood just a little.

A grin spreads across my face and Zali looks over to her aunt, "we're just friends." She says to Chelsea.

It hurt a little bit when she spoke those words but I understood that it was true we weren't anything really. But that will soon change, I'm sure of it.

"That's not what he's thinking." Chelsea smirks at Zali while her index finger is lifted and pointed in my direction.

I can't help but smile a big smile and I can feel my cheeks heating up slightly.

Zali looks up at me with her beautiful eyes and she giggles to herself before placing her head back into her previous position with her head on my shoulder.

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