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Chapter 14


A:N I am sooo sorry for not updating, i felt so bad. but here you go...

*Saturday Morning*

Zali's P.O.V

I pull open the big glass doors with a lit up Starbucks sign above the tall doors. This time without any trouble opening the door. I walk over closer to the counter to try and figure out what I'll have.

I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket indicating that I've received a message.

From: Eleanor

Free today? The girls wee wondering if you wanted to go shopping today? x

To: Eleanor

Yeah I'm free. Just at Starbucks now, what time?

From: Eleanor

Starbucks! I am like craving that right now. Ugh wish I could have some. You know your my best friend right?

To: Eleanor

Want me to get you some?

From: Eleanor

You read my mind. Your an angel. And the girls said we'll pick you up in maybe half an hour, take care of my Starbucks! x Thx babe

To: Eleanor

kk see you soon el x

I slide my phone back into my back pocket of my black skinny jeans.

I look back up to the menu and decide on a double chocolate chip frappaccino. And yes I like chocolate. A lot. I haven't had chocolate in so long because being me I starve myself and if i do eat its's like some food that only has like 2 calories in it. And Eleanor wanted me to get her... oh shit I didn't ask what she wanted. As if on cue she texted me.

From: Eleanor

Strawberries and creme frappaccino pls babe :)

I smile to myself and look towards the que in front of the counter. Luckily its not to busy and there's only a few other people in the que. I look at the boy at the counter and catch him staring at me. Well more like full on checking me out up and down. This is awkward. He taps things into the screen taking down the order of the lady ordering, but every couple of seconds he glances back at me. He looks really creepy doing that cheeky grin, I just want to punch it into his head. Then he won't be grinning. He looks like a bad ass. Once the lady finishes she moves to the side waiting for her order to be called. The boy looks at me for the few seconds he has before the next person moves up to the counter. I give him a 'what the fuck you want?' look and he winks. Douche bag. I move into the que not really wanting to talk to this guy when I have to order.

Another lady maybe in her forties walks up to the counter beside the boy and taps a few things before making a new que for people to join. A few people quickly move into the new line and I gladly step aside into that line too.

Once the few people in front of me finish ordering I step up to the counter.

"I'll just be one minute love." She smiles and I smile back.

The boy on the computer next to my que seems to have gone through all of the people and moves across quickly before any people can join his line. So much for moving ques.

"How may I help you gorgeous?" He asks me sweetly. I give a disgusted look. Well now that I'm up close I can see he's not ugly. He's actually really hot. I should probably order.

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