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Chapter 28

As I'm sprinting to the door another scream is heard from just in the bathroom getting closer to me by the second.

I burst through the door making it fly open as it hits the back of the wall on the inside of the bathroom. I look up to the mirror right in front of me and its shattered and has fallen apart and pieces are scattered across all of the tiles there in front of me. I can see my reflection but only with chunks of glass missing from many spots.

I take cautious steps around the glass pieces with my bare feet and round the corner to face the shower.

My mouth fell agape and tears threatening to spill from my eyes. I knew from this moment on from my life that I would never be able to forget this image.

On the shower floor there sat Zali crying the hardest I have ever seen anyone cry before still wearing the oversized T-shirt she wore to bed. She had pieces of the sharp broken mirror inside the shower a few pieces laying around her but one also in her hand. Cuts covered her body from her wrists to down her legs to her ankles blood streaming out of them like it was never ending. Blood almost filled up the whole shower floor and she just sat there broken as the shower ran spitting water down on her making the blood stream away from the cuts but only for more to leak out. I think she was aware of my presence but that didn't stop her one bit.

I ran over the the shower door flinging it open and getting to her as fast as I can. She stopped the cutting but still cried and cried. I took the shattered mirror piece from her hand and threw it away, as far away as possible. I picked her up off of the floor out of the pool of blood from where she sat. I put her under the water and pulled her away turning the tap to stop the flowing water. Tears started to spill from my eyes, I just couldn't bare the sight of her hurting so much. I can't even imagine.

I scurry out of the shower wondering what I should even do next. I'm not sure whether I should tell Chelsea well she'll find out either way, I just need help. I grab two of the towels hanging up on a hook beside the shower and sit Zali down on the bed on top of one towel and start to dry and clean her up as gently and carefully as I possibly can.

I glance up at Zali with her face buried into her hands and still sobbing uncontrollably. As I slowly clean her up I can't help but notice all of the cuts and how many there are, and not just fresh ones but scars covering her wrists and thighs as well. The tears stream down my cheeks and I close my eyes for a second comprehending what's just happened and what I saw. I look back at Zali and take her soft hands into mine peeling them away from her crying face. But every time I look at her it makes me want to cry even harder. I pull her into my chest and wrap my arms around her trembling body. I rest my head on her shoulder as she cries into my chest.

I lift up my head as look into her eyes which can't bare to look at the same spot for more than a few seconds.

"What happened baby girl?" I whisper as I look into her eyes as tears spill over and run down her cheeks as I'm sure that's the sane for me.

"S-she" she stutters but fails to finish her sentence with out bursting into tears again.

"She didn't make it!"she screamed as she closed her eyes and her knees gave up on her. I reacted quickly and held her up close to my chest and I knew just what she meant.

Her mum didn't make it through and I honestly felt the worst I have felt in my entire life. I felt so sorry for her and I can't imagine what pain she's going through let alone what she put herself through. She clings to my chest and I pick her up off the ground bridal style and quickly run out the room. I need to let Chelsea know right now and Zali lost so much blood I need to get her to a hospital. I knocked on Chelsea's door and no one cane to answer. I knocked again twice as loud, and I heard some quiet sobs. Chelsea must know about her sister but not about Zali just yet.

I opened the door to the dark room and Chelsea sat on the bed her hands on her forehead and her elbows resting on her knees as she cried. She instantly looked up to us and ran to my side.

"W-what happened!" She asked worry shown in her eyes and it looked as though mire tears were about to trigger.

"She hurt herself, I just need to get her to the hospital now!" I say and turn to leave to the hospital. She grabs onto my arm turning me around before I could go any further.

"I need to tell Issy and Jack and I'll be there as soon as I can." She nodded giving me a weak smile and stroking Zali's cheek as she looked as though she would pass out any second now. I nodded and made a run for the car.


I've never been to a hospital this much in my life until these last 24 hours. And to be completely honest. I hate it. I don't know why anyone would have a reason to like it. Unless someone is recovering and is getting to a healthy stage. Well that definitely wasn't the case now.

Ever since Zali came to our school everything feels so different. Even looks different. I've been able to see things in a totally different perspective. Life is so much more than everyone makes it out to be. There are so many sides to things that we were never able to see before and when they turn around showing the truth to the rest of the world your lost. That happened to me and I didn't know where to go, what to do or who I was. You can always have that image of a person in your head which is who you want to be. But never can you change who you truly are. Of course you can change your attitude, looks or how you treat people. But in the end you are still the same person you were when you started. The person deep down who is just, you. When the world turns on you, you seem to forget these things. the important things. But Zali came around innocent and pure at heart. When we spent time together she would remind me of who I am, bit by bit and without even noticing she was doing so. She gave me the hints to my question and was the missing piece to my puzzle. The world and society tricks people into thinking they are people they're not and then you end up being stuck inside a different person, who isn't really you. I missed myself, the person I was before the world told me who I had to be. But now I'm free all because of the girl laying on the hospital bed right in front of me.

She's safe and will still be able to continue on after a slow recovery. I just wish she had her mum with her to help her through it. She was always missing people from her life and that's part of the reason as to why I stuck around.

"I'll be here for you." I whispered as I kissed her hand which I was holding tightly in my own.


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