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Chapter 29

Harry's pov

The doctors have been coming and going in and out of the room checking up on Zali.

Chelsea arrived shortly after I did and there were many tears spilt, trust me. I've sat by her bed since the minute we got here and I've held her hand the whole time scared of letting go. I've phoned around the people who I have had missed calls from including a lot of Zali's friends wondering where she's been lately. I didn't really want to say anything so I just said she was unwell to most of them but I called Eleanor last and told her the whole story. Only because I knew that El was the one Zali would be okay with knowing. She was crying as well as I told her the story and about her self harm. She told me 'I had no idea'

"Nobody did." Was all I replied with through the phone.

She was clearly crying through the other end of the phone and I was about to burst into tears again my self.

A couple hours slowly ticked by and not once did I dare move from my seat. Instead I held her cold hand firmly in mine.

"Harry." I heard a voice from behind and I saw Eleanor standing outside the door still looking quite shocked from what I had told her on the phone earlier. She had her school bag still slung over her shoulder and held a small bouquet of flowers in her hand. I smiled at her as she slowly approached us. She stood by the opposite side of the bed to where I was seated and gave a small squeeze to Zali's hand. She let go letting her fingers slip away from her hand as she moved to place the flowers on the bedside table. She sat down and took Zali's hand back in hers.

"Is Chelsea still here." She questions looking around the quiet room tgen back to me.

I nod my head, "yeah, she just needed some alone time she said."

"Oh, okay. So how long have you been here?" She asks glancing up at me.

"Since about five this morning." I said calmly.

"I feel so bad for her." She sighs, "you know for her mum and just her really. I don't really know what to think."

I nod understanding exactly what she meant and I felt exactly the same.

"Louis and I got together yesterday and I was calling her non stop to tell her, I was so happy. But I had no idea. I wanted to thank her for always encouraging me to tell him how I felt but I guess it'll have to wait." She smiled weakly.

"El I'm so happy for you, thats great."

She smiled again looking back down to Zali laying down with bandages wrapped carefully around most of her body covering the wounds that cut deep into her skin.

It will be a while for her to recover not only from her injuries but from the loss and brokenness of her heart.

I sigh again acknowledging that it could have been worse. I lay my head down beside her own on the same pillow and give my eyes some rest but not letting myself fall asleep, incase of missing anything while asleep. Because I'm not leaving her. Not even once.

Sorry for short chapter, almost at the end of the book now!
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