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Zali's pov

His hand held on tightly to mine as he dragged me out of my house at the very early hour of day. The sun hasn't even risen just yet, the street lights being the main source of light.

I can't help but laugh at all this that's happening around me. My whole life has been dropped, smashed and stomped on yet Harry here makes it feel as though everything is fine. Everything is okay and it's all about having our spontaneous adventures and memories. It's all happy times even when the sad ones come around you just have to keep your chin up. That's what Harry has helped me with. At the point where my head was lowering his fingers were right there under my chin doing his best to hold it back up.

We ran for a while the cool air and freshness of morning being the energy fuelling us to continue. Nothing made any sense but it didn't need to. Soon enough we found a bus stop and jumped on. No idea of where we were going. That only to be found out when we decided we would step off this bus.

We took a seat right by each others side towards the back of the big bus. Our legs were pressed against each other and Harrys arm came to rest around the back of my body his hand hanging over my other shoulder.

"You're crazy." I laughed as I watched the passing scenery outside not recognising it. May be the fact that I haven't been out and around much or that we are completely far away from where I know and we are now somewhere I have never seen before in my life. Perhaps even a bit of both.

"I'm not crazy." Harry replies chuckling slightly as well.

"That's debatable." I smile. He pokes me in the side and I let out a laugh.

"Besides," he starts, "you came with me so you're crazy too."

"It's not like I had a choice." I pointed out.

"Very true." He says realising that he would of forced me to come whether I wanted to or not.

"Have you ever been here? Or even know where we are for that matter?" I question and examine him closely.

"We're just on the other side of town." He shrugs ever so casually as he doesn't seem concerned that we might get lost in this maze of a place.

"You worry too much." He sighs lifting his arm from my shoulder and patting me on the head as I try and swat his hand away.

"I do not."

"That's debatable." He snickers poking his tongue out at me. I give him a glare and resume to watching the outside world move further and further away.

Time passes by and Harry stands and I assume... well hope he has a clue of where we are. I follow him and stand to my feet carefully walking down to the front of the bus closely behind Harry. Harry's arm stretches out to the bus driver handing a little bit of money into his open hand before thanking him. We step off the bus and watch it drive off without us.

"Ok. Now what?" I ask turning to Harry.

"Not sure yet." He simply replies, he takes ahold of my hand and drags me along with his longs strides to who knows where.

I take in my surroundings though and notice we've come to a large park of some sort. Big green fields with fresh morning dew covering it up. Paths took off in every direction and trees and bushes run beside them with blossoming flowers bright and beautiful for everyone to see. A shelter of some sort seemed to stand in the middle, everything else seemed to revolve around it. It was tall and I could just see wooden benches along the inside of the brick wall. Big columns held up the neatly tiled roof and vines and flowers covered them making it almost impossible to see the white peeling paint underneath. It was beautiful and there was no doubt about it.

"This looks nice, lets go." Harry seemed to read my mind and tugged me gently along. We walked through two identical walls built up with bricks which acted as the entrance to the stunning place. Big gates hung off the side of the walls and were pushed open. The gates were very tall and were shaped perfectly with swirls and shapes filling it up. The open lock on one side of the gate caught my eye and I hoped we weren't trespassing. This could more easily pass as the queens garden instead of just a public one on the outskirts of town.

Harry and I walked around for a while in silence. But just a comfortable and peaceful kind of silence.

"Are you looking forward to graduation?" I ask Harry.

He looks at me then back ahead of him.
"Yeah, I guess so."

"You don't seem to sure." I say looking at him even more closely.

"Yeah well it's a bit of a yes and no." His angelic voice speaks again.

"How so?" I question.

"Well, yes I'm excited to get out of there. I mean hell yeah, we've been stuck in school more days of our life then out. And well no, I just guess I'm a bit nervous. "

"You don't need to be nervous or scared, it's all going to turn out okay. You of all people taught me that. I was scared Harry you know where I was but then I met you and everything always seemed to feel like it would turn out fine no matter how much pain or loss I was feeling at the time. And it did."

We sat down on the tiny wooden benches under the big roof, vines had even crept down and had started wrapping themselves around the benches.

"You have no idea how much you've helped me Harry." I say truthfully. I grab his hand and stroke it gently.

"I'm so thankful." I say.

He finally lifts up his head and stares into my eyes. "And you too, you've helped me. And I hadn't even realised it but you have."

I sigh lightly and smile, "that's good."

He looks out at the park again and I watch his eyes as they scan around not looking at anything in particular but just thinking.

He turns to me again moving the tiniest bit closer.

"Fuck this friendship thing." He grumbles and before I could even realise what was happening his lips crashed down on mine and his arms wrapped around me pulling me even closer. I smiled and kissed him back with all the love I had in me, which even I thought didn't exist anymore.

Thanks for reading
I really hope you like it
Until next time... Byeee
(Which will hopefully be soon)
Love ya x

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