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Chapter 10


Chelsea's car door opens and a pair of feet step out of the vechile landing on the driveway with a little click considering she's wearing heels. God how can she walk in those damn things all day. Especially working at a hospital. Chelsea works as a midwife at the hospital here. I would suck at being a midwife, but would be a pretty special job helping bring a little child into this world. But I would still suck at it.

Chelsea approaches the front door and stops in her path as she meets with us.

" Hi Zali, How's was school. That's great. Who's this?" She asks keen to get to the point.

"Yeah school was good thanks for asking," sarcasm easily noticable in my voice. "This is my friend Harry" Chelsea nods her head up and down slowly catching on. "From school, and he gave me a ride... here."

"What do you mean as in 'ride' ." Chelsea asks an evil grin on her face.

A burst of laughter escapes Harry's mouth before shutting his mouth trying to hide his laughter as much as possible.

"Oh my god, you both have such dirty minds." I say looking between the two of them. "Get your minds out of the gutter. God, you guys are unbelieveable. Chelsea, Harry gave me a ride home as in a car ride."

Chelsea calms down her laughter. " I know what you meant sweetie" She says patting the top of my head before walking through the front door. " Nice to meet you Harry" She yells over her shoulder.

Harry goes into another fit of laughter. " You were no help" I say letting out a sigh.

"Also, she is my aunt so I am not that closely related to her."

"I heard that!" I hear Chelsea scream from inside the house.

"haha don't worry. I like her."



Zali's P.O.V

" Zali get up already!"

I roll over in my bed and a frustrated groan escapes my mouth.It's so cold out side of my bed and I can't be bothered to move, I'm so lazy I can't even open my eyes. I pull my sweatshirt sleeves further down over my hands hoping to warm them up a bit. I've been really good at remembering to wear a jumper every day. Lucky it's cold so i like blend in with every one else wearing jumpers. Just one glimpse of my arms and my secret will be blown it's that bad and just as bad on my stomach too.

I just can't seem to stop. I miss the pain that I've been craving for the little while that I've gone without. It's just like I'm a traitor to my own self and won't rest until I'm completely dead. I hate myself so much that I just beat myself up about it. More like cut.

The sunlight from outside sneaks through the slight gap between the blinds and reaches my eyes causing me too squeeze them shut tightly trying to block out the blinding sunshine.

A few minutes pass of me just laying under the covers of the warm cosy bed and I finally decide I should probably get up since Chelsea seemed pretty annoyed when she called me.

"Shit!" I yell sitting up in bed so quickly causing the covers so spread across the bed. I look over to the digital clock sitting on my bed side table, only five minutes until school starts. I have school. Shit. I'm gonna be late, that's why Chelsea was calling me. Oh great. Oh well. Late means less school work.

The sunlight shines through the gap between the curtains even brighter lighting up the room brighter by the second. I look over to the window and lt out a petrified scream.

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