Chapter 12

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Zac's pov
Cassi is now well which I'm very happy to see. I admit it I freaked out a little bit more than I should have but it's over now and we don't have to talk about that again until she gets sick next time. She's now cuddled into my side and watching cartoons. "I don't wanna go to school tomorrow Zac." She sighed. "I know baby girl. You have to though so you can get smarter and go to college!" I smiled. "Yay." She said in mock excitement. "Make me some money yeah?" I asked making her crack a smile. "You're not poor though! You're rich if you ask me." She stated matter of factly. "Okay miss smarty pants off to bed for you." I told her making her pout. "Come sleep with me?" She asked. "Okay." I agreed with a smile on my face. She held my hand and dragged me to my room and climbed into my bed then got under the covers. she patted the spot next to her. "Please Zac?" She asked. Damn it. She knows I can't say no to her. I climbed into bed next to her and she cuddled into me immediately. "Goodnight my sweet baby girl. I love you so much." I whispered kissing her hair. "Goodnight Zac I love you too." She replied. I kinda miss it when she called me daddy. We were asleep faster than you could say snore.

Next morning
"Daddy I don't wanna go to school! What about my bullies?" She asked sadly. Fuck I forgot. "Shit. I forgot baby. I'll go down to the school and sign you out. I already enrolled you in homeschooling. I totally forgot baby girl sorry." I said quickly. "THANK YOU SO MUCH! I love you!" She said hugging me tightly. "No problem babe. I love you too." I replied then went over what she was supposed to do if something happens when I'm not here. Then I left to sign her out. The school was a pain in the ass to deal with but I finally got her signed out. When I got home she was standing on the counter looking for food. "Cassandra Savannah Sanders get off the counter!" I said scaring her. "Sorry. I got hungry!" She said biting her lip trying to look cute. "I'll make you some food but you better get your ass off that counter before I get to it." I warned. She jumped off the counter immediately. "Sorry daddy." She apologized. Dang it I can't be mad at her when she does that! "It's okay baby girl but no more climbing on the counters you could get hurt." I told her she nodded. "Thanks baby." I said kissing her hair. She smiled cutely at me. I wish I could say she got her looks from me but she's adopted. "Now what do you want to eat?" I asked. "Mac and cheese please?" She asked. "Anything for my baby girl." I said getting things out to cook with. (I turned him into a sap!) 😧

The next morning
I was up and just got out of the shower when my phone rang. "Hello?" I answered. "Yes this is Cassi's social worker. I realized that your too young to adopt. You have to be at least 21 years old. It says here that you're only 19. I'm taking you to court January 12 have a good day." She laughed. I groaned and hung up. It's the 4th so I have some time but it still sucks. I'm tired of being in court. I just wanna live my life happily with my daughter. She woke up a little later and showered. We ate breakfast then got to work on her school work. She amazes me at how smart she is. She was done with 2 days worth of school work by lunch. "Wanna do another day worth?" I asked while making lunch. "Sure." She answered sitting next to me on a stool watching me cook. "I need to talk to you." I sighed. "Okay." She answered. "We have to go back to court but you don't have to go up to the stand. Your social worker brought up the fact that I'm not old enough to adopt. I have no idea what I'm going to do. All I know is I'll fight long and hard for you to stay. I love you okay?" I asked. "I hate this. I just wish she'd leave us alone. I love you too and this is where I want to be." She cried. I hugged her tightly. "Shh baby girl. I wont let you go." I tried to console my crying daughter. "You actually want me! You actually take care of me! No one else has done that! I love you so much for all you do for me. They can't take me away from you. They'd be taking away the only good thing that's happened to me in my life." She continued to sob into my shirt. "I'm so sorry baby girl. I promise you that I'll never give up. I'll always fight for you. I'll always love you no matter what you do." I whispered in her hair. "Daddy I don't wanna leave you. I love you." She sighed wiping her tears. "I'm going to finish lunch." I said pulling away wiping her remaining tears away. She nodded sadly. "Maybe we shouldn't do more school work." I said after I finished making lunch. "I just want to cuddle with you and cry." She admitted. "I'm sorry baby girl." I sighed. "Not your fault." She smiled a small smile. "I'll clean up lunch, you pick a movie?" I asked. "Yeah, sure." She nodded and got up. After cleaning up lunch I saw she picked frozen and she set up the couch for us to cuddle on. Damn she likes to cuddle. I laid on the couch and she laid on me with her head on my chest. She likes listening to my heart beat and I have no idea why. I kissed her head and played with her hair while she watched a movie that I wasn't particularly interested in. Just as she was about to fall asleep my phone rang. "Hello?" I answered. "Zac we need you. Now. This is a job only YOU can do." My partner spoke through the phone. "Tanner I'm busy." I said softly. "We need you please!" He begged. "Okay. I'll be there soon." I sighed. Fuck. "Baby I have to go. I'll be back soon." I told her getting up and laying her back down. She just nodded and went back to sleep. I left feeling really bad about leaving her alone with her feelings all fucked up. Turned out it was killing a guy from the east side of town. I'm from the southwest side of town. We don't get along with anyone. I'm the best killer. Never been caught. I have a good feeling about this too so it should be a good job and some good money coming in. The job went well as usual. I went home covered in blood and I smelled terrible. I ran in the back door and showered immediately. When I came back downstairs she was still asleep on the couch. "Baby I'm here." I spoke gently. "Where'd you go?" I asked. "A friend needed me for a second." I answered. "Okay." She yawned. "Let's watch Cinderella!" She said excitedly. "Okay." I laughed lightly. We put in the movie and pretty soon we were both asleep.

A/N: I'm evil.

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