Make Me

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"Flowers are nice"

I wrote the words with a silly smile. Put the small card in between with the white bouquet of roses. I look at the mirror and a silly smile flash on my face once again...


Maybe a little bouquet as we mark our first month will be fine, I said as I hand her the bouquet.

The shy, sweet smile immediately appeared on my sight.

I guess it's a good idea, I teased as she blushed.

She laughed as she reads the three words written on the card. Can't you think of anything than this? (she made a face that looks mad, but rather made her prettier)

Well, flowers are nice. Don't you think too? I laughed.

You are really out of the blue. she whispered as she hugs me...

Maybe I am out of my mind... I whispered back.


You know what, I think this night is perfect. The moon is full and the stars are like fireflies that shines really perfectly even they are so far. she raised her hand as if she is catching the stars.

I love sitting here in this garden when the night is as perfect as this. I think lots of people do the same. she continues...

Why are you so silent? she turns at me and caught me staring at her.

What's on your mind? she leans on my shoulder...

What?...she continues...(5mins passed)

What are you thinking? she sits straight and looks mad already.

Make me. I simply said.

Huh?! What do you mean make me? she frowns.

So you want me to beg you to tell me what's on your mind? she says in a very slow phase.

I nod.

You are such a teaser. she says while frowning.

I have been talking here and you don't even say a word. I don't even know if you listen to me. she says with a sad voice.

Maybe I am such a boring date. she continues...

I stood up from the beach....

Are you leaving? she says with a worried voice.

You think the night is perfect because of the moon and the stars... And sitting here in the garden is one of the things you love to do... I paused and turned at her...

I think you are right... somehow.... I continue.

But I think, this night will still be perfect even if the moon and stars will not show up. And maybe I am one of those lots of people that likes to sit in a garden in a night like this... You know why? I asked.

Why? she whispered.

"Because the moon and the stars are nothing compared to you.... and I won't mind spending hours sitting in a garden with you..."

I guess you have been listening after all... she smiles and her eyes sparkles like the stars...

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