My Boyfriends

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        Hey! Your early as always Loiuse!. 

        I am just on time Cris. You said 8am, right?

        Oh yeaahh! My watch is late I guess. Cris replied with a sweet smile.

       Then I guess Karl's and Logan's watch are super late. Because my watch is already 9am. I said with the most sarcastic smile.

        Let's just wait for them a lillte bit more. (She said with a casual tone.) Yeah, we have no choice anyway. (I said with the coldest tone.) I have been here for an hour now. WTF!! (Just in my mind)



        9:30am. I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE! I WANT TO SCREAM REALLY LOUD TILL ALL THE PEOPLE WILL BE DEAF. SHIT! I HATE WAITING....!!! (Say these words and your dead, better wait or do the thesis by yourself Meg!waiting is easier than writing) 

        Sorry girls for waiting, said Karl and Logan as they enter the room. By just the look of them, I bet they just woke up and did not  bother to take a bath or even brush their teeth. (No wonder I have nothing towards men like crush or something like that, I have been with these bunch of men my entire college life. They just soo...I don't know how to describe!)

        It's okay, said Cris with her sweetest smile.

        For me it is not okay. I waited for 1hour and 40 minutes! (I choose to keep these words and pretented to be okay,so less drama you know!)

        So, what's the agenda? Since we are finally all here. I said with my most casual smile.

        You are really bossy, that makes you so charming Meg! said Logan with a laugh and a tap in my back.

        Relax Meg, can we just breathe for a while? We just get here you know. said Karl.

        Yeah, that's the point. You just get here you know. (I copied how he said the last line.I am really pissed!)

      Karl and Logan paused their chit chat with Cris. (Now they noticed how pissed I am)

      Seconds passed. Waaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhaa!!! they laughed in chorus.

        I frowned.(They did not get how pissed I am.)

        They group hugged me and laughed! I pushed them away since they still smell like red horse. I was right. They had a party party last night!

        They fight my pushing and eventually I gave in, Group hug and loud laughters fill the room. (I hate men, yeah! that is true for they have no good grooming but these two, Logan and Karll?they  are my dearest friends here in the University. They are really good buddies,I like hanging out with them and they treat me like one of the boys and that's where I am most comfortable. and so yeah...I forgave them for being late... as always. )

        Hello??? I am still here. said Cris with here signatured sweet smile.

     Instead of replying to her. We grab her and hugged her too. (How crazy is this?Well, it's college!)

              Before I knew it we are alredy in the cafeteria. My boyfriends (Logan and Karl) treated us for lunch as a pay back for letting the ladies wait for them for hours.

        We talked about the expenses of our thesis making over lunch and had decided that Logan will just have to pay for all the cost of labor (Since he is the rich kid here.) Everyone is happy about it. (Except Logan ofcourse :) )


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