Call a Friend

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It is nice to be home...

I immediately turned on the fan to relieve myself from too much sweating. I feel so hot. (Don't take it in a green side)

After a few minutes, I decided to take a bath. I started to take off my clothes. I stand infront of the mirror of my comfort room. I see pair of eyes that shows so much mystery,her short, straight hair shows her neck,she does not wear earings, her complexion is naturally tan,her teeth are perfectly lined and white. I smiled. I wonder how people see me. I wonder what they think of me... (Maybe I should try going to parties too...)

Taking a bath surely refreshes my body and mind.

I unlocked my cellphone and dialled "Logan" on my phonebook. Hi sexy! said Logan as he picked the call. Hello sexiest! I replied with sarcasm.

Ha!ha!ha!ha! He laughed on the other line. What made you call Meg? he finally said. Any problem? he continued. I am good. I just thought to call a friend. I said.

That is new. You just need me when you have problems especially when you need to borrow money for your rent. He said with a laugh.

Yeah right! I laughed too. Then I guess you need more than money this time. Logan's voice became serious already. Ohhh! Don't think that way, I will never ask you to be my boyfriend. I replied while still laughing. Come on Meg, I know you too well. Something is bothering you. You will not call if you are fine,Logan's tone is really worried. (He sounds like gay or something whenever he acts this way but it is so sweet to have a friend like him.He makes me feel I am not alone.)

Well...I started.

I had a weird dream last night... I told him the details about the dream as much as I remember...(It took 10mins for me to narrate everything)

That's why I called, you know, to have a friend to tell me that I am not insane. I paused and waited for his reply.

Well... He copied how I started my confession.

Meg, I think you are really insane..., he said. What!!? Come on, I am serious Logan, I said making him stop the other words he will say.

You called a friend, right? A friend you will be honest with you. That is why I am telling you Meg, you are insane. And let me please finish first before you say a word. He scolded me.

Okay........, I said like a child.

You are not dumb so I prefer to believe that you are just insane Meg. For 4years of being friends, I think I have known you more than you have really known yourself...he said.

What made you say that? I said with so much curiosity.

You are really insane, Logan sounds so amused. Do you remember anyone in the University that you liked? A guy I mean? He asked questions that are out of the box.

I never like anyone. I replied to his nonesense questions.

Correction, you never liked any MAN in the University. Not even me or Karl. He said.

Why would I like you? or Karl? You know I just see you guys as good friends. I like hanging out with you... Is that insane? I said with so much confusion.

I know. He said. Remeber Samantha? He asked an out of the blue question again.

Yeah, I remeber her. Samantha is one of the lead dancers of the University during our freshmen years. She has cute smiles, It was really disapointing that she had to move to another school. I said without a paused.

I know. He said. How about Vivian? he asked again.

She is a sweet girl who used to give me packed lunch during our junior years. I still do not know why she did that but I am grateful,I wonder where is she know... I said while remebering those days with Vivian. (It made me smile)

Those smiles... That shows how insane you are Meg. Logan said as if he sees my smiles.

Meg, didn't you really never thought that maybe... maybe... he whispered.

Maybe what? I said... (still acting dumb,insane or whatever he what to address me)

Maybe you never like men...because ever since you like....

Women. he said with certainty.

Beep.........beeep........beeep. (Shit! I ran out of load)

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