Chapter 26

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"I'm not Vye! I'm Ice!" Vyera shouted desperately. Nobody talked. Everyone was staring at Vye... No, Ice.

"Geez... I know its hard to believe, I can't believe it myself either, but I really am Ice! Look!" She... no, He released his magic and now, two ears and a tail of a white fox appeared on Vye's body. It had an impact on the others and they finally believed him.

"Do you have explanation on how this happened?" Master asked after everyone accepted the amazing fact that he was Ice who was supposed to be dead.

Ice explained that after stopping the Aetherion, Vye was thrown somewhere by the force of the explosion. He didn't know where it was but at that time, something appeared in a sky and he didn't remember anything else until he woke up here.

"Most likely that's the time where Vyera's soul was taken from her body due to Etherion immense power. So... now in this body, only Ice's magic and half of Xrytos' magic remain. That's why Ice's memory could materialise and taken over Vye's body to protect it from being taken over again." Master explained, trying to go as simple as he could but apparently, some of them still couldn't understand the theory behind it, "Can't you feel where she is?" Master asked again.

"...I should be able to, but... I can't feel her anywhere now. Either she is concealed by magic barrier or..." Ice looked like he doesn't want to say it at all, "... She was gone from this world." He said it with a small voice that was forced out.

"... At the moment, let's leave it at that. No evidence that she is dead. Don't lose hope. Keep on searching for anything that could help confirm her whereabouts." Erza commanded, "The Vye we know won't die that easily."

That settled it. Erza was indeed the second leader after Master. Afterwards, everyone went back to their own dormitory and house. As usual, Gray and Vye-looking Ice walked home together. It was exactly like the normal routine but it was awkward. Gray did not say anything. Ice did not know what to say either. He felt a bit guilty of taking the form of Vye when he knew about their relationship.

In front of his room, they parted way. But before Ice could go to Vye's room, he felt being hugged from behind. "...G-Gray?" Ice called but Gray did not respond.

"... Gray?" He tried again, feeling even more guilty as his voice was Vye's.

"... I know you are not her but please... Let me be like this for a while..." His voice was shaking. Ice knew he was holding back his tears. He had not seen Vye for so long. It must be hard to see the woman you love was still alive and standing right in front of you but she was not actually her. Nobody could understand that feeling.

He finally let go after a few minutes. "Sorry about that." He said without looking at Ice and immediately went to his room. Ice knew Gray was crying. He could do nothing about it. He couldn't feel Vye no matter what. Where was she?

Ice decided to take up missions alone. He didn't want to appear so often in front of Gray and Master. However, after several missions, he gave up as well. Its even harder when people recognised him as the Dancing Diva who was said to be on a long mission by the guild members. He couldn't say anything to defend, can only try to act as the usual Vyera.

"Hey, Ice." Mira called when he was sitting at the bar, sighing to himself.

"Yeah?" He replied, already used to his voice being Vye's.

"Its hard to ask about this but... The town people is asking you to dance."

"WHAT?!" He stood up, "That's impossible! I can't do that!"

Everyone in the guild turned to see what fuss was happening. Lucy and Erza approached the bar on the second floor. "What's wrong?"

Mira explained the request with Ice kept on interfering until he was told to shut up by Erza. The rest of the gang joined in.

"You should try it. Everyone has been grieving since Vye was pronounced dead. Surely they want to see the Dancing Diva once again." Mira said, "It was a disaster when the Council came with the news." She shook her head.

"I have sent the council full report on you... Well, I said you are Vyera but you lost your memories. They wouldn't come and mess around." Erza said.

"No!" He shouted in frustration, "I can't do it! I'll explain everything to them now!" He ran out of the guild before anyone could restrain him. Nobody will believe him that easily but he must tell them the truth. He could not pose as Vyera any further than this. He could not lie any further. He was the one who was supposed to be dead, not Vyera.

"Vyera-san!!" Someone called him from afar. It was a little child with a big smile, "Are you going to dance for us??" She asked, her eyes were shining brightly in anticipation.

"I..." Ice did not know how to answer the little girl who looked so excited. Other townfolks slowly had him surrounded. He didn't know what to do. He was sure Vyera wouldn't turn them down no matter what. He was the one who has been with her all the time. He knew her inside out. In this kind of situation, she would definitely dance for them. But he didn't know how to dance. He was at loss on what to do.

Suddenly, a music flew through the air, silencing all the fuss at the town square. Everyone turned towards the source of the music. It was Gray, playing the guitar. It was the song when Vyera started her debut as Dancing Diva.

Slowly but surely, Ice was slowly moving. Even though he did not know how to dance, the body of the Dancing Diva remembered it. Ice could only wonder when he danced with Vye's body. It felt alive and flowing with the rhythm. Was this Vye's feeling whenever she danced? Everyone looked in awe. It was the revival of the Dancing Diva. Ice kept on dancing. Out of the sudden, Ice felt something. He immediately stopped.

"... Vye?" He whispered and looked towards the east sky, "... I feel it... Vye's magic..."

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