Chapter 42

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"... Seems like everyone is here." Vyera started, "Let's get on the ship then. We will explain everything when everyone is up."

Some of them were in high spirits, especially Natsu. Some were nervous, like Lucy, Cana, and Levi. Some were just calm and relax about it, who were Gray and Loke. All others were just quiet and unreadable. The ship sailed and everyone were on the deck, looking ready for the exam.

"Ok great." Vyera nodded her head, "Then, Erza, go ahead."

Erza started explaning how the exam would proceed. They would be brought to the island first. There would be several paths that they could choose to take. Whoever reach first would have more path choices. Once the path was taken by a team, it will be blocked. No two teams will ever take the same path. The paths may have a S-class mage waiting to beat them off their tracks. Other paths might lead to a common area where two teams fought each other to earn their way forward. The lucky ones will meet no trouble and proceed easily.

"... In other words, only those who have power and luck will be able to be an S-class mage." Erza ended her explanation.

"Having some general knowledge will also help." Vyera added, "We are almost at the starting point. Prepare yourselves. We won't go easy on you."

Everyone looked pretty determined to get this S-class title. However, Cana did seem a little too nervous. Vyera did not want to pry her privacy. Plus, Lucy was there so there should not be anything to worry about.

The ship finally came into a halt. Everyone was rather confused, "Is the ship broken?"

"... Nope. There is no problem." Vyera said in reply to the confusion. Vyera released her demon wings smoothly as if she had them since she was born. While Erza change to her armor that granted her the ability to fly. They immediately hover above the ship.

"Don't tell me..." Loke said while looking up to the 2 S-class mages.

"Yep~ You got it." Vyera said happily, "Exam start. Good luck guys~"

Both Vyera and Erza left them there and flew back towards the island. Mira had set up several cameras to monitor their movements. Just for precaution if anything happened unexpectedly, they could act quickly too.

"We are back." Erza said when they both landed at the camp and headed towards Mira who was watching through the projected screens, "How are they?"

"This year will be interesting." Mira said excitedly and recounted what she had seen from the screens to both Erza and Vyera. Natsu and Happy flew off immediately when Vyera and Erza took off. Fried and Bixlow were the next ones that headed towards the isand but put up a barrier around the ship to stall the others. Levi and Gazeel were not stopped by that as Levi easily dispelled the barrier and let herself and Gazeel out. So did Elfman and Evergreen. The rest were trapped there for 5 minutes until the barrier dispelled itself. Afterwards, Gray and Loke jumped off the ship and used ice magic to freeze the sea and go to island. Next come Juvia and Lisanna whose magic were suitable for underwater. Mest and Wendy just disappeared without warning. Lucy and Cana had to swim as their magic were not suitable for underwater.

"They have improved a lot..." Vyera commented, "Man... I had better start training harder."

"You should." Erza added, "Else, you will be kicked out from S-class." Vyera did not reply but focused on the screens in front of her. Most of them had already chosen a path.

"We have better get ready. Some of them will reach the check point in 10 minutes." Vyera said. All of them except Jii-chan dispersed to their respective position in each path, waiting for the candidates to come.

Interestingly, for Vyera, the ones that came to her path was Levi and Gazeel. It might be a good thing as if Lucy or Gray was the one who crossed her path, she might accidentally hold back to let them win. No, they will definitely pass the type of test Vyera prepared. They knew her too well.

"Vyera-san..." Levi greeted when she saw Vyera stood in the middle of the open space to welcome them. Gazeel was right behind her. It was a wonder how the two of them could get together.

"Levi and Gazeel, huh?" Vyera replied, "Hmm... actually this path is suitable for you... almost as if it is waiting for you to come."

"Eh?" Levi replied blankly, "What do you mean?"

"... In this path, all you have to do is pass by me." Vyera said.

"Only that?" Gazeel finally spoke, not anticipating such a simple exam.

Vyera grinned, "Although it is simple, I won't make it easy for you. Do you see the path after this open space behind me?" She said while pointing at the path behind her head, "All you have to do is to get yourselves onto that and you will pass this stage."

As Vye said that, Gajeel immediately attacked her who was standing on his way. She simply dodged him and let him through. Feeling there was something strange about this, Levy immediately shouted to warn Gajeel, "Gajeel! Stop!"

Amazingly, he listened and stopped just before he hit something invisible. There was a barrier blocking his path, "You don't think it will be THAT easy, do you?" Vyera said to him.

"No wonder there is something fishy about this..." Gajeel said and tried touching the barrier gently. It gave reaction when his hand touched it, as if it was water ripple.

"Be thankful I didn't add some electric shock onto it. Else you will be out of the game by now." Vye added, "Defeat me and you pass. Distract me, break the barrier, go through the path and you pass. Pick your choice."

Levy was seriously thinking about this and decided on the latter choice. She knew there was no way to win Vyera, an S-class mage specialized in combat while Levy was specialized in providing backup instead. There might be some chance of winning as Gajeel was with her however she was not sure how far Gajeel could distract Vyera while she tries to break down the barrier, seeing this was the first time they teamed up.

The moment she finished thinking and looked up, Gajeel was already exchanging blows with Vyera. She was speechless to see that.

“Oi! Break the barrier!” Gajeel shouted to Levy while still focusing on fighting Vyera. That made Levy jumped and quickly started on her magic.

“Heee… This is the first time I fight seriously with a Dragon Slayer…” Vyera said and quickly summoned her beloved sword, Argent, to block Gajeel’s iron from reaching her. At a glance, they seemed on par, but when it came to concentration, Gajeel had the advantage as Vyera needed to maintain the barrier as well.

Levy was working her magic Solid Script on the barrier but after she broke it, she was stunned, “No way…”

Gajeel immediately shouted, “What is it?!”

“… There are multiple enhancements on this barrier! I need more time!” Levy shouted back to Gajeel.

Gajeel turned to look at Vyera who was grinning, “Do your best.” She had experienced the exams various times, as candidate and examiner. It was not without despair that she was able to make it to the S-class. They needed to know that there were times that nothing will always go right for them. Once in a while, the taste of defeat can be a good learning for them.

In the end, Vyera casually entertained Gajeel till Levy managed to break the whole barrier down, which took them quite a while. Afterwards, they have no more stamina or magic power to continue fighting Vyera, who was the final barrier to the path towards S-class mage title. Vyera did not even shed a sweat after all the fighting with Gajeel. Vyera silently thinking that training with those rascals back at the HQ had its good points. It improved her stamina a lot.

“Giving up?” Vyera asked to the both of them who started to pant after using much magic power.

“No way.” Gajeel answered while Levy was too tired to answer but she did not seem to want to stop just yet. There was still determination in her eyes to continue despite her tiredness. Breaking the barrier took a lot of her concentration and magic power.

“… Never give up is a good thing… but giving up is also a strategy in battle.” Vyera said, “There will be times when you cannot win. Give up might just save your life and grant you a second chance… It also applies to your comrades who are fighting with you. If you can save their lives by giving up your pride, then why not?”

They did not reply to what Vyera had said. Vye then continued, “You have done a great job in breaking such a difficult barrier, Levy… but seeing how you have answered, I cannot let you pass. Come back next year. I wish you good luck.” Vyera concluded.

She spreaded her wings and flew back to where Jii-chan was waiting. It was at the center of the island. Vyera was not the first one to reach there. Seemed like Erza settled hers too.

“How was it?” Vyera asked the moment she landed. Her wings automatically disappeared before she even touched the ground.

“Juvia and Lisanna. No mercy, of course.” Erza answered, “Yours?”

“Levy and Gajeel. Same case then.” Vyera replied and took a seat at the camp set up there while waiting for the others to come back.


“Oh, I see that you pass. Congratulations. Kana too. Good job.” Vyera said while patting Lucy’s head.

Lucy realized something was wrong with Vye, “Nee-chan, are you okay? You look a bit pale.”

“Nah… I’m okay… just that I have no appetite these few days.” Vyera replied, “Don’t worry. I really am fine.” She added after seeing Lucy’s worried face, “Concentrate on the next exam.”

“… Ok. Let me know if you need anything.” Lucy said. Vyera replied with a nod.

Mira lost quite badly since Elfman and Evergreen lied to her about going to marry. They actually suited for each other though, now that she properly thought about it. Lucy and Kana managed to win against Bixlow team. Natsu and Happy lost to Gildartz but since he met his requirement, he passed too. Meanwhile, Gray and Loke won easily from Mest and Wendy.

“… Who is Mest?” Vyera suddenly realized. She didn’t know anyone with that name within the guild, unless he joined when she was absent from the guild during the 2 months.

“How could you not know him?” Mira said, “He is Mystogan’s disciple.”

Vyera was stunned, “Mystogan’s disciple?” The information itself was already questionable. Such a loner guy could have a disciple? The answer was obviously a no. Since Gray and Loke was back, it meant that Mest was alone with Wendy somewhere on the island.

Vyera asked Mira again, “Are you absolutely sure?”

“… Now that you said about it, I don’t remember when he joins.” Mira said when she usually took note of it. She was the one entrusted with the guild stamp after all.

“There is something wrong here. I don’t remember anything about that guy. He was never here before. Mystogan will never have a disciple.” Vyera said in alarm, “I’m going to find him.”

“I will go with you.” Erza said after thinking things through. At the moment, the bracelet that Luna gave to Vyera started to glow in soft yellow light. Suddenly, someone appeared in front of her.

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