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My morning consists of waking up, lying there for 15 minutes and thinking about what my boring day has ahead of me. I live in San Francisco or lived. Today we are on our way to Sydney, Australia. So today I woke up at 4 am packed the rest of my luggage and trailed out the door with my mom. Just before we left I asked my mom if we could swing by Liam and Violets house so I could say my last and final goodbyes. Violet has been my friend since 6th grade where as Liam has been my best friend since 4th grade. " I truly am gonna miss you guys, who am I going to stay up all night with, party with, and be best friends with?" Tears began to fall down my face Violet was
next, Liam never really cries. " Cassia please keep in touch." "Don't worry I will." I remarked.
Liam followed up by saying "You better be on your way, you have long plane ride. I will miss you too." They both have me long warm hugs after. Pretty soon I couldn't hold it in on the way to the air port, I sobbed my eyeballs out.

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