Rainy Day

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                                                                  <sorry i have been dead for like 10 years> i WILL BE ACTIVE NOW 

     Michael and  I quickly entered my house, wiping our shoes I asked him if he liked anything to eat. Without a surprise he accepted the offer. I ran into the kitchen to put some pizza rolls into the microwave and Michael lounged on the sofa, " Hey, you can pick a movie if you want." I said to him.  I stood in the kitchen and watched him scroll through the selection of movies and t.v shows.  He clicked on the common t.v show  Friends.  I stood there in the kitchen while memories flashed my mind of when Calum and I would spend our summer days almost exactly like this. 

 "I think the pizza rolls are done." I heard Michael say from the couch. " Oh." I ran to the microwave and grabbed the pizza rolls and put them into a bowl and propped myself right next to Michael.  30 minutes passed and I looked over to see that he had fallen asleep. I didn't really now what to do so I just cuddled up next to him while i slowly fell asleep in his arms.

 I felt Michael tap on my shoulder gesturing me to wake up from my sleep. Me being half asleep I just looked at him .. he looked a bit confused, but he stared back. It took me a few seconds to realize where I was at the moment. Michael kept looking at me, next thing I knew he began leaning in. I was hesitant but I went  along with it.  He slowly placed his hand behind my neck as our bodies fell onto the couch.  After a while, I had a gut feeling that this wasn't the right time to go this far yet. I detached my lips from him leaving a confused look on his face. " Im so sorry Michael.. I - I'm just not ready." I said. " Cass, I understand. It's completely fine." He responded.  " I love you but.. I just need to have some time to figure all of this shit out".

               A/N-   hello , I am sorry that i have been really inactive lately. The next couple chapters will be filled of confusion, depression and love.           so yay! <3 -bells

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