First day of school

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As I said goodbye to Micheal on the phone I quickly rushed to my closet to find what I'm going to wear. I found the outfit then took a really fast shower. When I got dressed Calum called me and said "whats up ad why are you breathing so heavy?" I replied with "trying to get ready fast!" He hung up very suspiciously i didn't care because i was busy. Ugh, I wasn't at all ready for senior year, they say " Study over summer so you can be ready in the fall!!" Trust me, I wasn't the only one who didn't do that. I grabbed some coffee to go and a Power Bar then headed out the door to wait for my school bus.

I hopped on the bus and to my surprise I saw a familiar,vibrant haired, boy. While I began walking toward the back of the bus he lifted his face off of his phone and waved to me and suggested i sit with him. " Hey secret spiller." he nudged my shoulder. Oh shit, did I tell him about Calum and Luke...I don't think they told him yet...I don't think they were ready yet to share about their relationship. " Aha yeh.." I said awkwardly looking at the bus floor. " Aye whats up?" Michael said. "Nothing just about to start senior year, Honestly I am terrified". I confessed. "Same here, I didn't socialize at all this summer. All I did was just play video games and learn new longs to play but that's it. " My summer wasn't that fun either." I lied.

The bus came to a halt and we arrived at North side Highschool, worst place ever. " Hey do you wanna get lunch today with my other friend Timmy and I?" I asked him sheepishly. "Yes, Nandos maybe? I love that place." Michael remarked. I remembered when the whole gang would go there for lunch never mind, I need to move on.

The rest of the day included of showing the whole group of soon seniors to all the classrooms and teachers etc. Nandos with Michael was fun, he was like my best friend and it was great knowing someone was there for me.

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