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Calum was laying on my bed when i came home. but still kinda breathing, which is good,

I decided to go get my staple gun. When i got back i found a skin tone sheet on the floor so I drew a feather on it then i staple gunned it to his collar bone. The sheet sucked up the blood from the gooey womb. he woke up as i put in one more staple it didn't phase him. I told him he needed to go home he said adios baby. I took the Calum skin out of my pocket and tacked on the wall i started to twerk against the wall my brother walked in and he was being hella rude so i snapped his neck our mom got really mad so she had to call DADDY he said that you must learn young paddawong. I moaned of agony as Timmy walked in and grabbed the calum skin i screamed and threw my brother at him Timmy fell down the stairs and broke his toes. my mom called me a twat and ran to Timmy.

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