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School started about 2 or 3 weeks ago and I guess the word has got around about Calum and Luke. I told Michael not to dare tell a soul about their relationship, I know he didn't and neither did Stella.

Who could've it been to spill secret. My mind was racing with thoughts of who might have. Calum and Luke no longer speak to Stella or I because they think it was us, I understand because they thought we were the only people that knew.

I questioned Michael several times and one time he sorta snapped at me saying " You don't trust me do you? Your best friend." I responded with a quick

"Yes I do trust you , sorry".

This one time I was walking to history class and I saw Luke getting taunted with words like " Fag, little bitch, etc." I couldn't handle anyone being put down like that so I stepped in and just told the jock to just leave Luke alone. Soon enough he stopped and just grunted and left. " Thanks, " Luke said brushing his shoulders. "Yeah no problem." I said quietly. Luke started to walk to where ever he was trying to go in the first place. I stopped him and tried to convince it wasn't me who spread the rumor nor Stella. He responded with a quick whatever and trailed away.

Luke was never that big of a jock but Calum definitely was, I couldn't imagine what he was going through.

After the school day was over I quickly hopped on the bus with Michael and rode home. While riding the bus Michael began talking about one of his good friends Veronica, how they would sneak into concerts together,go out for pizza all the time and a lot of other things. From what he was talking about she seemed like a pretty cool person, then he mentioned that she might be coming down to Sydney for a couple weeks and how we should all hangout sometime. I agreed to the suggestion and looked outside the window to see how close we were to my house. From what I could see it was about 10 minutes until we made it to around where Michael and I both live.

I grabbed my phone to see if anyone had texted and someone did.. I opened the text to see what he had said and what he said broke my heart into a million pieces... the text read " Hey, thanks for ruining my life"I wish there was a way I could tell Calum it wasn't me and that I didn't know who it was.

Next thing I knew was that a tear was falling down my cheek and on to the phone screen. I set my phone down and lay my hand beside me on the seat.

I felt fingers intertwine with mine, I looked over to see Michael looking at me.

The bus came to a stop and I asked Michael if he could come over and he responded with a yes.

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