Falling Apart

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Luke and Calum together.

The images replayed in my head over and over.

I couldn't get them out.

Stella and I stood there in the door way as we watched our " boyfriends" kissing. We were both so in shock all we could do was just stand there, Stella began crying, I don't blame her. I had to keep the tears back, that was so difficult, watching the love of your life with another crushes you. I felt a tear roll down my face, Stella sniffed. The boys stopped and scatter the room their shirts and their explanation. " Babe, wai- I can expla-" Calum said while quickly putting on his shirt and running over to Stella and I. " Stell, C'mon, I'm sorr-, Listen to mmm-" Luke said while trying to grasp Stella's arm to get her attention. " Luke we need to talk, come to the den with me." Stella remarked.

"Calum we better talk now or never,," I said holding back tears, even though that was impossible.

Cal and I walked to the bathroom. I sat on the toilet seat lid while he sat in the empty bath. " Why did you never tell me? you crushed me, ya know?" I said sobbing. " I wanted too, I didnt want you to not except me for who I truly am." He said quietly. " You are really that stupid to think I wouldnt except you? Cal, if you are happier with Luke be with him.. all I want is for you to be happy." I said. " I know thats what you want but i dont want to hurt you and leave you like this.. you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You kept me sane and made me feel like I belonged. Yes, I loved you and still love you, It's that I knew there was always something different about me... something the other boys didn't have. I've dated girls and I loved some of them very much, like you.. but it just never felt the same with Luke." He put his head in his hands and began to slowly cry. I felt bad for him, I couldn't imagine what it would be like to hide my true self for so long and never be happy.

" Calum, I hate seeing you like this." I couldn't hold back, neither could Calum.

We just sat there in the bathroom for a while until i heard a knock.

I got up and opened the bathroom door to see Luke, Calum was still in the tub with his head hands. Luke glanced over my shoulder to see him but than looked back at me. " Cass, Im sorry.. this isn't the way this all should have happened." Luke said with tear stained cheeks. " I know and I've excepted the situation now, how is Stella holding up?" I asked

"Not so good, she can't stop crying. Cass, I feel terrible."

"Luke, this is going to be a hard one to handle for Stella. Give her time and she will talk." I told him.

"Okay thank you, I am going to try to talk to Calum, alone. Is that fine?" he asked.

"Yes, I'm going to be with Stella."

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