Chapter 54: Corruption

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(Nova was still in the pizzeria, saddened. Stephen was sitting on Nova's old bed with Star jr (in baby holoform) on his lap and Athena sitting next to him.)

Stephen was still waiting for the twins to come back. "Where are they? They should've come back 20 minutes ago.",he said. Athena shrugs.

"Watch Star for while, I'll go find the twins",he said and left the house.

In the caves, the twins fight the two corruptions. "Dream, watch your left!",Winston shouted and Dream suddenly gets hit on her side. Winston was shocked and get mad. He sees a gem corrupted gemstone on one of the monsters and the color was green. "Wait a second..",he said to himself. Dream gets up and goes into her fighting position. Jumps up and sees a blue gemstone on the back of the other monster. "It can't be!",she said. The blue monster hits her again. She hits the wall and her brother goes to her. "What do we do?!",Dream said. The corruptions roar again.

"Hey!",Stephen shouted at them. They turned around and snarled at him. "Leave my kids alone!".

The corruptions go at him, but he was able to make it through to get his kids. They surround them. "Who are they?",he asked his kids in a panicked voice.

"It's mom's friends!!!",they said. Stephen was shocked.

The monsters were about to slash them, but someone came to the rescue. The kids had their eyes closed shut and slowly open them. "Mom!!",the kids shouted. On the look on Nova's face were lots of tears coming down her face. Looking at her corrupted friends in fear. She uses her shield to push them away. "Lapis. Peridot..",she said and her voice was shaking. She pushed them harder to cause them to fall back and they did. Nova pulls out her spear and slices their bodies in half. Lapis and Peridot poof into clouds and their gems fall on the floor. Nova walks over and puts their gems on her bubble.

"Thanks Nova for saving us.",Stephen said, but she didn't say a word. "Night?"

"They've.. waited for so long... for me to return.. We didn't know this would happen to them.. The others couldn't have known.. It's our fault..! No..! This is Megatron's fault that we couldn't return home! So this is what we deserve?! First we couldn't come back, then we get yelled at from Springtrap, and now this?!",Night was talking to herself, but inside, Nova and Fade were talking to each other.

"Night???",Stephen said again. She turns around with tears still on her face, sniffles and whimpers a bit. He walks over to her and crescents his fingers gently on her cheeks  to wipe the tears away.

"It's okay...",he said and hugs her. She hugs back. Night releases away from him and puts her forehead on his.

"Megatron took everything from me.. he.. must be dealt with.. he dies.. and stays dead..",she said and looks at Stephen with angry eyes. All of them return back to the house to get Athena and Star jr. Night decided to bring all the bubbles that were in the caves back to the ship. They use a ground-bridge to head back to the ship with all the bubbles. During all the time at the ship, Ratchet was doing the synthen with Knockout in the lab and Ratchet wasn't allowed to leave. A few hours later, he had escaped the lab, but Knockout tells Megatron he escaped and stolen a sample. Megatron knew what punishment to give him.

Nightmare puts the corruptions in another room and her two friends in the berthroom. She sighs and goes to the lab to check on Ratchet. When walking in, she sees knockout, "Knockout, where's Ratchet?"

"He escaped, but Megatron will handle him.",he said while working at the desk.

Night looked at him and sensed something that wasn't right. Two vehicons took Ratchet to the flight deck and he meets Predaking. The leader of the Predacons wastes no time attacking the helpless Autobot in the name of his slaughtered brethren. Shockwave begins to synthesis the cyber-matter and Megatron deals with the Omega lock.

Out on the deck, when Predaking was about to finish off Ratchet, he tells him not to let his vengeance to end with him, but to avenge right up to Megatron. But Predaking didn't understand, until Ratchet tell him that it was Megatron's doing about the Predacons and that he fears him and any kind like him. So, Predaking becomes furious and storms inside the ship looking for Megatron. He started to kill every vehicon that stands in his way. "Lord Megatron, Predaking is on a rampage and heading rapidly towards the-",the vehicon was about to say until Predaking terminated him. Night starts looking for Ratchet and sees him at a control panel contacting his team. She walks over to him and helps him out.

"Optimus, can you hear us?",Ratchet said.

"Optimus?",Night said as well.

"Loud and clear, old friends",Optimus said and was glad Ratchet was all right. Everyone else back at the base were happy as well. Ratchet tell Optimus that he sent them coordinates to the ship. Miko was sad that they can't leave without saying goodbye, Fowler promises that they'll be back. Meanwhile the Autobots gear up and Raf opens a groundbridge to the ship. Optimus tells everyone that it might be their last battle. For Ratchet, for Earth, Cybertron. In the end, they must take their warship.

Back in the warship, Megatron walks with Starscream and Knockout. Star's kids were in his habitation suite. Weaver and Racer agreed.. to join the last fight since they were well trained and the right age. Megatron would think that his Dark Star Saber would defeat Predaking. All of a sudden, they were interrupted by a thrown Vehicon that Predaking killed. "Megatron!",he shouted.

"I'm gonna.. fetch that.. thing, we were talking about",Knockout said and runs off.

"Is it true? That you ordered the annihilation of my army?",Predaking asked him in a angered tone.

"Indeed. My only mistake was not seeing the extermination through",Megatron said back and draws his blade. He lands a few hits with his blade before Predaking overpowers him, hitting Megatron with the deactivated body of a Vehicon and knocking him down the length of the hall. Starscream distracts Predaking momentarily with a missile in the back. The kids hear the explosion of the missile far from the room. Predaking screams in pain. Megatron starts punching him again and flips and throws him to a door. He hits a button on a computer panel inside the room, opening a door to the outside directly behind Predaking. He grips the sides of the door frame to fight against the sudden air pressure, but a blast from Megatron's cannon sends him out of the ship and into the clouds. The air pressure from the outside slightly pulls him and Starscream rushes to the panel to close the door.

Then Knockout walks with the Dark Saber and realizes he was too late, "One ultimate weapon coming right up, but where's tall, dark, and scaly?"

A vehicon reports that the ship is under attack by the Autobots. "But the warship is cloaked, how is that possible?"

"The medic lives.",Megatron says irritated and commands the troopers to attack back.

Nightmare hears them down the hall and hide in the corner. "If Optimus Prime wishes to wage a battle for the fate of both Earth and Cybertron, then I shall oblige him. This will be our last stand!", Megatron said again and the Dark Saber deeply hums. Night was shocked from what she heard and rushes to the berthroom. She walks in. "Mom..?", Alex looked at her.

"It's time...",Night said in a low toned voice and looks at her four hybrid children. When she was about to sit, Starscream walks in as well. He looks at his kids, gesturing to them that he need to talk to his mate alone. They leave. "I know you heard...",he looked at her and she stands up again. "I guess this is it...",Night said. He nods.

They stand in front of each other and couldn't believe the war is about to be over. Star gently puts his servos on the side of her arms and she did the same to his. He puts his forehead on his and they both close their optics slowly. Night started to sniffle quietly.

"You.. mean everything to me.. you're everything I need.. and love... you were meant for me and.. you are my queen.. now and always. I love you..",he said to his mate. Night chuckles slightly with tears coming down from her optics and smiles warmly.

"You were meant for me too.. You make me happy.. everyday.. I'm really happy I met you.. You are my king.. now and forever.. I love you too.",she said back to him. Starscream kisses his mate and she kisses back. Night smiles in the kiss. They slowly break the kiss and look at each other. Star wipes her tears and Night holds his hand on the side of her cheek. Night decides to live on Cybertron.

"We must do this.. to go home..",he said to her.

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