Chapter 50: How it could have been

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(The family continued to the holidays. Last was Night's birthday, but she was to do it with Starscream and her new baby. The kids were sent to the Autobot base to hang out.)

The couple were on top of a hill watching the sun near a forest of Pandora. Starscream was holding his new son in his arms, "He's wonderful...",he talking softly. Star jr was slightly sucking on his dad's digit. "I can't believe he yelled at me...",Night said to herself, but Starscream was confused.

"Why didn't I go back...? Would everything change if I didn't meet you?",she kept asking questions.

"It was your decision, sweetspark.. you didn't want to hurt anyone. What do you think? If Megatron didn't pull out your gemstone from your chassis?",Star asked her and she thinks, even imagines.

(How it could've been: Years ago, on the beach)

Spring was waiting the beach for his friends to return. His other friends were at the pizzeria. A portal opens in from of him and it was Jake and the others. "You're back..!",he said. The gems were a bit injured with scratches and bruises, so was Night. Spring goes and hugs her tight. She couldn't hug him him back because she hurt her arm. They go back to Night's house on the beach water, a beach house with stairs connected to the land. Later, Peridot puts a bandage around her left arm. "Who were those giant robots...?",Lapis asked.

"Don't know, whatever they were, they weren't nice, look like a threat.",Peridot says.

"No gem cracked anyone?",Night asked them both. They shook their heads no, and she was relieved.

"We'll figure something out about them...",she said.

"You stay here and rest, Nightshade, we'll try to find information about those bots.",Peridot said and they walk to the warp and go somewhere else. Night was left alone. She was lying on her bed near the window with the view of the beach, seeing her friends outside. They waved at her and she waved back from the window. Springtrap comes up the stairs. "I was worried about you.",he said.

"Well I missed you guys..",she said back and tries sitting up.

"Come down with us.",Spring said and sat next to her on the bed.

"I can't, the gems said I need to rest.. while guess it wouldn't hurt.",Night looked at him and goes outside with Spring.

"Look who's back",Ennard said.

"Hope I didn't miss anything when I was gone."

They shook their heads no. The rest of the day, the friends stayed on the beach until the sun went down. Some went back to the pizzeria, and Night stayed on the beach. Spring stays with her. She watches the sunset. He sits next to her. "Wonderful, is it?",he said. She nods.

Night writes draws on the sand a small heart.

"We have too many threats.. those bots who are as tall as the diamonds",she said.

"Like they're ruling the world, like kings and queens. On a throne.",Spring said and writes swirls.

"Our future kid wouldn't sit on a throne.. just have fun with friends.. save the world",Night said and blushes. Spring starts blushing. She nuzzles his nose and purrs. Spring smiles.

"I'll be by your side... no matter what.",he said, hugs and nuzzles her back. So they watch the sunset. Years pass, they get married on the beach. The diamonds were no longer a threat, the gems haven't worked on the case of the Decepticons, so they ignored. Now, Springtrap and Nightshade had a happy life. Months later, Night became pregnant with twins, night fury, half rabbit animatronics. They named their children Amber and Magnus. Amber has a night fury body with her father's colors and ears. Magnus has his dad's body and his mother's ears on his head.


Night sighs. "You alright?",Starscream asked. She nods a bit at him. Star jr falls asleep in his arms.

"If I was queen, I want you as my king..",she looked at him with slight blushes.

"I would be honored..",he said and smiles.

Night leans in to kiss him, but someone decides interrupt them on her birthday.

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